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  1. creationism 神造说,特创论(一种反进化论的学说)
  2. rumor has it 据传言说

  [大纲词汇] rumor/ rumour n.传闻,谣言

  [经典例句] Rumor has it that more than 20 people died in the accident.
  3. pipeline 供应线

  [大纲词汇] pipeline n.管道,管线
  4. unenlighted 未受启蒙的

  [大纲词汇] enlighten v.启发,启蒙,教导

  [衍生词汇] enlightened a.开明的,有知识的,文明的 enlightening a.有启迪作用的enlightenment n.开明,启发 unenlightened a.未受启发的,愚昧无知的,落后的

  [经典例句] He regarded most people as unenlightened.
  5. citizenry 老百姓

  [大纲词汇] citizen n.公民;市民,平民

  [衍生词汇] citizenry n.〔总称〕公民;市民;老百姓
  6. cosmology 宇宙论

  [大纲词汇] cosmic a.宇宙的

  [衍生词汇] cosmology n.宇宙论,宇宙哲学
  7. geology 地质学

  [大纲词汇] geology n.地质学
  5. biology 生物学

  [大纲词汇] biology n.生物学
  9. consistent 前后一致的

  [大纲词汇] consistent a.(with)前后一致的,始终如一的

  [经典例句] What he said was consistent with what he did.
  10. unified 统一的

  [大纲词汇] unify n.使联合;使同意;使相同,使一致

  [经典例句] It is their strong wish that the country should be unified.

  11. constantly

  [大纲词汇] constant a.经常的,不断的;坚定的;永恒的;忠实的

  [衍生词汇] constantly ad.经常地,不断地

  [经典例句] The world is changing constantly.
  12. virtually 实际上

  [大纲词汇] virtual a.实际上的,事实上的

  [衍生词汇] virtually ad实际上,事实上

  [经典例句] The city virtually disappeared in the tornado.
  13. majority 大多数

  [大纲词汇] major a.(较)大的,(较)重要的 n.专业,主修科目;专业学生,少校v. (in)主修,专攻 majority n.多数,大多数

  [经典例句] The majority of the Senate voted against the motion.
  14. nonfundamentalist 非原教旨主义者

  [大纲词汇] fundamental a.基础的,基本的;n.[pl.]基本原则,基本原理

  [衍生词汇] fundamentalist n.原教旨主义者 nonfundamentalist n.非原教旨主义者
  15. glve an introduction to 介绍……
  [大纲词汇] introduction n.(to)介绍;传入,引进;导言,导论,绪论

  [经典例句] The mayor give his guest a brief introduction to his city.
  16.appropriate适当的[大纲词汇] appropriate a. (to)适当的,恰如其分的[经典例句] He intended to propose his plan in appropriate time.
  17. take off 脱下

  [大纲词汇] takeoff 拿走;脱下;起飞

  [经典例句] He helped the old lady to take off her coat.
  15. give…a good beating 把…痛打一顿

  [大纲词汇] beat v.打,敲;打败,战胜;(心脏等)跳动,搏动 n.敲打,敲击声,节拍;(心脏等)跳动,搏动

  [衍生词汇] beating n.拍打,捶打;打败

  [经典例句] The Russian troop gave a good beating to their enemy.
  19. tactics 策略

  [大纲词汇] tactics n.策略,战术

  [经典例句] This is a fairly common tactics among junior executive.
  20. extent 程度

  [大纲词汇] extent n.广度,宽度,长度;程度,限度

  [经典例句] What he did exceeded the extent of his authority.
  21. deception 欺骗

  [大纲词汇] deceive v.欺骗,蒙蔽

  [衍生词汇] deception n.欺骗,蒙蔽

  [经典例句] He was furious at the deception of his friends.
  22. distortion 歪曲

  [大纲词汇] distort v.歪曲,扭曲

  [衍生词汇] distortion n.歪曲,扭曲,变形

  [经典例句] What we have heard is a total distortion of facts.
  23. motivation 动力

  [大纲词汇] motive n.动机,目的

  [衍生词汇] motivation n.提供动机;动力,诱因,刺激

  [经典例句] The child has not found any motivation for learning.
  24. philosopher 哲学家

  [大纲词汇] philosopher n.哲学家,哲人 philosophy n.哲学
  25. in part 部分来说

  [经典例句] He failed in part because of his carelessness.
  26. clarity 清晰

  [大纲词汇] clarity n.清晰,明晰 clarify v.澄清,阐明

  [经典例句] I remembered the scene with complete clarity.
  27. effectiveness 有效

  [大纲词汇] effective a.有效的,生效的

  [衍生词汇] effectiveness n.有效

  [经典例句] No one doubts the effectiveness of the drug.
  28. nonspecialist 非专家

  [大纲词汇] specialist n.专家 specialize v. ( in)专攻,专门研究,专业化

  specialty n.特性,特质;专业,专长

  [衍生词汇] nonspecialist非专家
  29. notion 概念

  [大纲词汇] notion n.概念,想法,意念,看法,观点

  [经典例句] Her notion of rural life is a lot of sunshine and fun.
  30. dust jacket 包在书外起保护和装饰作用的纸封面
  31. in its true sense 真正意义上的

  [经典例句] His behavior in its true sense has showed his indifference to others.
  32. opponent 反对者

  [大纲词汇] opponent n.对手,反对者,敌手;a. 二对立的,对抗的

  [经典例句] His opponents claimed that he had accepted bribes.
  33. book review 书评

  [大纲词汇] review v.回顾;复习;n.回顾;复习;评论

  [经典例句] His performance got mixed reviews.
  34. editorial 社论

  [大纲词汇] editorial n.社论