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外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第57期:国际贸易法律


The legal asoects of international business国际贸易法律A:Today,we have invited a special guest. Prof. Yang. He us some advice on the leaal asoects of intemational bus Your international legal advice is important to our business well being. Please give us some counsels on such issues as which laws govern the contract, what recourse is available for default or breach of contract by our clients or what to do if a dispute arises.A:今天,我们邀请到一位特殊的嘉宾,杨教授。他将在国际贸易法律方面给我们一些建议。您的建议对我们来说是非常重要的?请在诸如合同有哪些适用法律,客户违约时我们能获得什么样的追索权,如果有争议该怎么办等问题上给以咨询意见B:The significance of understanding the nuance and distinctions of foreign customs and business practices are a continual challenge for global entrepreneurs and trader. Despite many countries accession to WTO membership, trade and investment frictions are still predominant among existing membership. However, these frictions will be better managed under the WTO trade rules and the organization's dispute settlement mechanism.B:重要的是理解涉外关税和贸易实务的细微差别,这对全球企业家和贸易者来说是持续的挑战。尽管许多国家成为世贸成员国,但是贸易和投资摩擦一直存在于成员国之间。然而,这些摩擦将会在世贸规则和该组织的争论处理机制得到更好的处理。A:In spite of this, international business contracts and arrangement must be precise, specific and all-inclusive to lessen misunderstanding, misconceptions and disagreements to the minimum。A:尽管如此,国际贸易合同和协议必须严谨、明确、全面,从而使误解、错误降到最小。B:Problem and disputes occur mainly due to difference in the laws of countries involved. For this very reason, it is imperative to establish from the outset which law governs when disputes arise. The most fundamental principle of all international contracts is the applicable laws and regulations. Make sure that the arbitration clause in your business contract be all-inclusive.B:出现问题和争论主要是因为各国的法律不同。正因为这个原因从一开始建立争论出现时哪部法律适用这个问题是至关重要的。所有国际合同的最基本原则是可实施的法律法规。必须明确你们的商 务合同中的仲裁条款应包括一切A:How can we protect our patents and trade market abroad?A:怎样保护我们的海外专利和商标?B:Yes. it will be your utmost interest to protect your intellectual property such as your innovations, idea, designs and copyrights in your target country.B:是的,在目标国家的知识产权保护,如创新理念,设计和版权等是你们的最大的利益。A:As you know. our main focus is to penetrate the markets of countries in Asia. What is the current legal framework in the countries?A:正像你知道的,我们主要聚焦亚洲一些国家的市场。那些国家现行法律准则是什么?B:The lack of regulatory transparency was a problem and still is to some extent. However, the countries are moving forward deepen their reforms, new changes will involve the establishmer of legal structures to sustain high levels of foreign as well a domestic private investments. This will surely strengthen the law and regulations in the countries, especially, areas related to tradi issues.B:过去缺乏透明的法规是个问题,从某种程度上说现在仍然如此。然而,这些国家不断深化他们的改革,新的变化将涉及立法机构的建立以支持高水平的以及国内私人投资。这些都加强这些国家的法律法规,尤其是涉及贸易问题方面:A:Several years ago, the countries and China singed memoran dums of understanding. pursuant to which the countries will improve their laws goverment intellectual property rights protection over the following two to three years.A:几年前,这些国家和中国签署了谅解备忘录,规定那些国家将在随后的两三年里监管知识产权保护方面的法律监管。B:Precisely, the actions the countries have committed to take are consistent with WTO agreement.B:准确来说,是那些国家采取的措施成就了世贸协议。