


A: Morning, Jennifer. You look rather pretty on this pink dress.


J: Thank you. Yesterday was my birthday and mom gave it to me as a gift.


A: Though maybe it is a bit late, but still “Happy Birthday”.


J: Thank you anyway. By the way, how do you handle the course selection? Ah! I’m still confused about it and can not decide which to take.

J:还是谢谢你啦。对了,你打算怎么选课啊?哎!我现在还是感觉很困惑,不知道 到底该选哪些课。

A: I have been planning since last term but still not quite decided. On one hand, there are so many courses which are practical for later career. On the other hand, several distinguished professors will give lectures this term. However, our time and energy is limited, so it is really painful to make a final decision.

A:从上学期开始我就在盘算到底该选什么课,这不到现在也还设能定下来嘛。一方 面,很多课程很实用,会对我们以后的工作有所帮助;另_方面,有些资深教授 这学期也会开课,我也不想错过。但是我们的时间和精力毕竟有限啊,所以要最 终做个取舍还真是难啊!

J: Yeah. We can not have our cake and eat it. What you said just now reminds me that I have to take future career into consideration as well. I have never thought of that before. Then why not take two practical classes and another two given by our great professors?

J:是啊。鱼和熊掌不可兼得啊!你倒是提醒了我,我也要把将来的职业规划考虑进 去,以前我都从来没想过这个事呢。既然这样的话,为什么不选两门实用性课程 再选两门大教授开的课呢?

A: Sounds good. As for me, I think I will take Chinese and applied mathematics as the practical classes and at the same time follow the lectures in anthropology and cognitive science given by our famous professors.

A:这个主意听起来不错。对我来说,我觉得实用性课程我就选汉语和应用数学了。 至于大教授开的课我想上人类学和认知科学。

J: Chinese? I was considering taking this course too. But those who had taken it said it is rather hard for us whose native language is of the Indo-European language family.

J:汉语?我也一直想选这门课呢!但是选修过这门课的同学都说对于我们这些母语 属于印欧语系的人来说,汉语实在太难学了。

A: Anyway I'm charmed by the Chinese language and culture and I think speaking Chinese will bring much convenience when we hunt for a job. So I would like to take the challenge.

A:不管怎样,我深深着迷于中国的语言和文化,而且要是会说汉语的话,对我们以 后找工作也会有好处的。所以我想挑战一下自己。

J: Uh, I think it deserves your hard-work. And I want to have a try too. Then when we can speak some Chinese, we can travel to China together.

J:嗯,我觉得值得一试。我也想学学看。等我们都会说一些汉语的时候,我们还可 以一起去中国旅游呢!

A: Good idea. Such profound history and beautiful scenery in China can be our motivation. What about you? Have you decided?

A:好主意。中国悠久的历史和优美的风景也会成为我们学习汉语的动力的。你打算 选什么课啊?现在决定了吗?

J: Besides Chinese,I would like to take African studies, economics and literature. You know that Africa is undeveloped and there are so many poor people who need urgent help. When I have a basic knowledge of Africa, I can explain to the public and call on them to do something within their power.

J:除了汉语外,我想选修非洲研究、经济学还有文献学。你知道的,非洲是个欠发 达地区,那有那么多亟待帮肋的穷人。了解了非洲的基本情况后,我就能向大家 介绍非洲,号召大家为非洲提供一些力所能及的帮助了。

A: You are so kind-hearted. And I think after class you can surf the internet to find more information and pictures on Africa if you like. Still there are three courses which I have a great passion) for. It’s a pity that I have to give them up.

A:你真好!我觉得如果你愿意的话,课下你可以上网搜索更多有关非洲的消息和图 片。对了,还有三门课我非常感兴趣,但是真可惜我不得不放弃了。

J: Don’t worry! I suggest you borrow the suggested readings and notes from our classmates who choose to follow such classes and read them by yourself. And when you have trouble in understanding, you can ask them for help.

J:别担心。你可以借阅我们班选修这些课程的同学的课后阅读材料和笔记来自学 啊!而且当你有看不懂的地方的时候,还可以向他们请教呢。

A: Good idea. By way of doing so, twice can be accomplished with half the effort. You are such a smart girl. Thank you very much.


J: Not at all. I’m sorry I must leave now. I have an appointment at 10 a.m. See you next time.


A: See you.
