K:Hello, Jim, what are you watching? Looks like you are very serious.
J:Oh, it’s a movie about the famous hero called Nathan Hale. He was killed by the British Army.
K:Yeah, to tell the truth, recently I am reading his biography. Indeed he is a hero in our country.
J:Oh, Kate, that’s very good. You know I am busy with finding a person who has a good knowledge of Nathan Hale. Kate, please talk something of Hale with me today.
K:Well, I am glad to have a discussion with you, and I hope you can get some useful information from me.
J:Yeah, please tell me. Let us start now, I am eager to know more things about him. His spirit and talent deserves us to learn.
K:Sure. He was graduated from Yale University, that’s why his statue is located in the campus of it.
J:Oh, Kate, I have seen his statue in some other places. I know that he was a good student at school. Do you know anything about his after graduation?
K:After his graduation, he became a teacher firstly, and you can guess that he did a lot of contribution to the educational career of the United States. Then the Independent War took place, he joined the army, and became a soldier.
J:啊,凯特,我在很多地方看见过他的雕像。我知道他是一个好学生。你知道他毕 业后的事情吗?
J:Kate, wait for a minute. You said he became a soldier. I can’t believe it. A teacher became a soldier, and he is so brave.
K:毕业后,他成了一名老师,为美国的教育事业作出了不少贡献。之后发生了独立 战争,他入伍成为了一名战士。
K: In the Battle of Long Island, he volunteered to be a spy, and then went to the back line of the British army to search intelligence of Britain.
J:等等,凯特,你说他成为了一名战士,我真不敢相信,一名教师会变成一个战士, 他真是太勇敢了。
J: Oh, I know why he was so easily caught by the enemy, because he lacked the basic trainings as a spy.
K: That’s only one factor which led to his failure. He was so easy to trust others if not he would not be recognized by the British.
J:啊,我知道为什么他如此容易就被敌人 抓住了,因为他缺乏基本的间谍训练啊。
J: Eh, I agree with you. He lacked essential experience as a spy.
K:那只是导致他失败的原因之_。他容易 轻信别人,若不是这样,他也不会这么 快就被认出来了。
K: At first, he was suspected by the British, but that man felt not so sure, then he claimed himself to be a person like Hale. Hale, on the contrary, without any doubt on that man, easily trust him, then the British found the physical evidence on him, so he was caught immediately.
J: He was so incautious. It's unwise to outlet your identity before you make it sure.
K:起初,他只是被怀疑,但对方并不确信黑尔是不是间谍。那个人就自称自己和黑 尔一样是间谍,而黑尔一点也不怀疑他的身份,就轻易地相信了。之后英军从他 身上发现了实物证据,他被轻而易举地抓获了。
K: Although that, in my heart, he is still a great hero in American Revolution. He was brave enough to receive the task which was so dangerous that he might lose his life.
K:但在我心中,他仍是一个大英雄。在独立战争中,他勇敢的接受任务,尽管那任 务危险得足以丢掉他的性命。
J: He didn’t hesitate for a moment, without any professional skills as a spy, he alone went to the exotic country to finish his task.
K: Only this point will make every generation of American to remember him.
J: He was really very courageous. The American soldiers must become very encouraged by his brave spirit.
K: Sure, so maybe that’s one of the reasons why the United States made a success in the war.
J: His last words were “I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” Those great words will leave in the heart of everyone.
J:他最后的遗言是,我惟一的憾事就是没有第二次生命献给我的祖国。”这些有力 的话语将永远留在每个人的心中。
K: Though he died, his spirit would live in the mind of many a people.
J: Sure. He is a person whose spirit deserves us to learn.
K: There are many people like him in the history of the United States. I hope there will be more people like him to appear in the future.
J: Yes, although we cannot control others to do something, we can make our choice to do something or not.
K: Let us be a man like him.