


L: Hi, Kate, what are you watching?


K: Oh, the live broadcast of 82nd Oscar Ceremony. You know, I'm a fun of Meryl Streep and she is the nominated best actress this year. Hey, look, it’s her, the one in elegant white evening dress.

K:哦,是第82届奥斯卡金像奖的颁奖典礼。你知道,我是梅丽尔斯特里普的粉丝, 她获得了今年奥斯卡最佳女主角的提名。嘿,看,这就是她,穿着高贵白色晚礼 服的那个。

L: Wow, how lissome she is! She is always so charming!


K: Yeah, although wrinkles have crept up onto her face, she is not in the shade compared with other young actresses because she is an actress of great skills.

L:是啊,尽管皱纹已经悄悄爬上她的脸颊,可和其他的年轻女演员相比,她_点也 不逊色,因为她是真正的实力派演员。

L: I cannot agree with you more. Do you know why I like the song Nothing’s gonna Change My Love for You most? That’s because it is the theme song of the film The Bridges of Madison County, which was starred by Meryl Streep. It is absolutely a classic in American film history and I was completely conquered by her skilful and devoted performance after seeing the film.

L:嗯,我非常同意你的观点。你知道为什么我最喜欢听《此情不移》吗?就是因为 它是电影《廊桥遗梦》的主题曲,而这部电影的主演又是梅丽尔斯特里普。这 部电影绝对是美国电影史上的经典之作,看过之后,我完全被斯特里普娴熟投入 的表演征服了。

K: So am I. Besides, Streep is a very talented actress as well. She is so good at imitating a foreign accent that people cannot figure out where on earth her hometown is. For example, in the film The Bridges of Madison County, she played a woman who is from Italy, in The French Lieutenant’s Woman, she spoke in the same way that middle class in Victorian era1 did, while in Sophie s Choice, she adopted a Polish accent.

K:我也是。除此之外,斯特里普还是一位才华横溢的演员。吨非常善于模仿外国口 音,弄得大家都听不出她的家乡究竟是哪儿了。比如,在{廊桥遗梦》里,她饰 演的女主角来自于意大利,在《法国中尉的女人》里,她话说得像维多利亚时代 的中产阶级一样,但是在 <苏菲的扶择>里,她又操一口波兰音。

L: Sophie’s Choice, I heard of this film. It is widely regarded as Streep’s finest film, for it won her Academy Award for Best actress.

L:(苏菲的抉择),我听过这部电影。它被公认为斯特里普最成功的作品,因为凭借 这部影片,她拿下了奥斯卡最佳女演员这一奖项。

K: You are right. In fact, she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress as early as in 1979 with the film Kramer & Kramer. As far as she is concerned, Oscar is by no means strange to her. Up to now, she has received 16 Academy Award nominations, more nominations than any other actors in the Oscar history. It,s hard to imagine anyone else catching up with⑤ her when it comes to Oscar nomination.

K:对,没错。事实上,早在1979年,她就凭借电影《克莱默夫妇》而获得了奥斯 卡最佳女配角奖。对斯特里普而言,奥斯卡奖可不是个陌生的字眼儿。到目前为止,她已经16次人围奥斯卡提名,比历史上任何一个演员的提名次数都多。说到奥 斯卡提名,很难想象还有人能够和她相媲美。

L: She is fairly successful in her career, but what about her family life? People always say it’s hard for a career-oriented woman to balance her job and family.

L:她确实在事业上很成功,但是她的家庭生活怎么样呢?人们都说,事业型的女人 很难在工作和家庭间维持平衡。

K: It is true that Streep has achieved a lot in her field, but she does not like to be addressed as successful. Actually, she is a woman who prefers putting her family first. She cannot stand being separated from her families for even two weeks. To spare more time with her children, she refuses many movie contracts with courtesy every year. What she wants is only that her four children can grow up as happily and freely as other ordinary children do. She is not only an excellent actress, but a responsible mother and virtuous wife as well.

K:斯特里普确确实实在演艺事业上获得了巨大的成功,但是她不愿意别人称她为女 强人。实际上,她是个更愿意把家庭放在第一位的女人。她甚至都不愿意和家人 分开两个星期。为了能有更多的时间和孩子们在一起,她每年都会推掉很多片约。 她想要的只是自己的四个孩子能和其他普通孩子一样,幸福自由地成长。她不仅 仅是个优秀的演员,同时也是位尽职的母亲和贤惠的妻子。

L: I finally see why you are so idolizing her now.


K: Another thing that makes me like her is that she is a graduate from our school, the Yale University. We are schoolfellows ?


L: Really? Is that so?


K: Yeah, it’s true. She earned an M.F.A. from Yale School of Drama. While in Yale, she had been trying to play various roles to improve her performing skills. The then-dean once spoke highly of her and thought that she was destined for greatness.

K:对啊,这是真的。她从耶鲁戏剧学院获得了硕士学位。在耶鲁的时候,她一直尝 试着扮演不同的角色来提高自己的演技。当时的系主任对她评价很高,认为她日 后必定成功。

L: She lives up to that comment. Streep is indeed an actress of rare talent. Oh, look, the host is going to announce who will be the Best Actress for this year. Kate, I feel a little nervous now.

L:这样的评价实至名归。斯特里普确实是个难得的好演员。哦,快看,主持人就要 宣布谁是今年的最佳女主角了。凯特,我现在有点儿紧张。

K: Whether she is the winner or not, I will support her forever.


L: Oh, what a pity. It’s Sandra Bullock who finally wields the metal statues.


K: It does not matter. She is still the best in the fans’ eyes. She is also the eternal pride of Yale.


L: Absolutely!
