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Wishy-washy 拿不定主意


LL: Li Hua, what about Laura Wilson?I think she is so wishy-washy.

LH: 嗯,Laura Wilson是还好啦。可她不是经常改变立场吗?你还说她wishy-washy。那又是什么意思啊?

LL:  To be wishy-washy is to be weak and indecisive.

LH: 原来wishy-washy的意思就是犹豫不决,拿不定主意啊。照这么说,Larry, 我是不是能说一个经常改变主意的人很wishy-washy?

LL: Yes. I can also call you wishy-washy if you can't decide which candidate to support.

LH: 嘿!我才不是wishy-washy呢!我只是要仔细地想一想,到底把票投给谁最好!

LL: I know, I'm just teasing you. Can you give me another example of wishy-washy?

LH: 你要我举个例子啊?哎,有了,我们的朋友Lisa,她一直下不了决定是不是该和她男朋友分手。她呀! 就是标准的wishy-washy.

LL: Yes, you could call her wishy-washy because she can't make a decision and act on it.

LH: 说到做决定,我还没有决定是不是该为下学期的一个会议写报告。要写的话,负担很重,不过会得到学术界的重视。我到现在还决定不了。

LL: Quit being wishy-washy and make a decision. If it's worth it, then it's worth it. If not, then forget about it.

LH: 你说得到容易,值得就值得,不值得就算。我并不想wishy-washy,就是不想做错误的决定。

LL: Sometimes, you have to take the risk.