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3. My heart stood still

My heart stood still。我们上面已经说过,“heart”就是心,stood 就是 stand 的过去时,意思是站着,still 就是静止的、不动的。My heart stood still 就是指“某件事使你非常害怕或惊恐,以致你的心脏都几乎停止跳动了。”例如:My heart stood still when the other car ran through the red light and I knew we were about to crash.我看到那辆汽车穿红灯、我知道我们要撞车了。当时我的心都好像停止跳动了。

这种心情不仅会出现在自己处于危险的时候,在看到别人遭遇危险时也同样会产生类似的情景。例如:I have to tell you my heart stood still when I saw that baby fall into the water. But that boy jumped right in after the kid and pulled him out before he went under--that boy deserves a medal! 我告诉你,当我眼看那小孩掉下水去的时候真是把我吓得几乎心都不跳了。但是,那个年轻人立即就跳到水里,还没等那小孩沉下水去,就把他救了出来。他真该得枚奖章!