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大忙人学社交英语口语8-4 长对话:谈论网球技巧(中英+mp3和文本下载)


Sandy: You play golf, don't you?

Sandy: 你打高尔夫吧,是不是?

Roger: Yep. Twenty years, on golf courses all over the world.

Roger: 是啊!20年了,世界各地的球场都去过了。

Sandy: Well, my handicap is fourteen, but I still dream of shooting in the 70s someday. My boss is disgusted with the way I play. Any tips?

Sandy: 嗯,我的差点是14,但我还足梦想有一天能有70杆以下的成绩。我老板很讨厌我的打球方式,有什么诀窍吗?

Roger: Well, it's all a question of mindset. What do you think your strengths are?

Roger: 哦,这全是心态的问题。你认为你有什么优势?

Sandy: Well, I'm pretty good on the range and the practice tee, but when I get on the course, it all goes to pieces.

Sandy: 嗯,我在练习场打得很好,开球也不错,但开始比赛时,这些都消失殆尽了。

Roger: Well, that's a pretty common problem. Are your early holes better than your finishing holes?

Roger: 嗯,这是个很常见的问题。你前几洞的成绩是不足比后几洞的成绩好?

Sandy: Hm, yes, actually they are.

Sandy: 哦……,没错,正是如此。

Roger: Well, my advice is this: when you're on the greens, choose the line of putt carefully and stroke the ball. When you're playing a shot, select your club carefully, feel your tempo, and try to get a smooth backswing.


Sandy: Well, thanks! Can I get you a drink?
