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英语俚语习语小对话第469期: "腻烦厌倦"英语怎么说? (mp3和文本下载)



Subject: I am sick and tired of doing homework.    迷你对话  A: Daniel, what about doing some reading and writing with me?  Daniel, 我们一起去做点阅读或者是写作怎么样呀?    B: Sorry, I prefer to do some exercise. I am sick and tired of doing homework.  不好意思,我喜欢做运动。我对做作业很厌烦。   地道表达:sick and tired of something    1. 解词释义  Sick and tired of doing something可以看做是一个习惯用法,是“对某事物感到厌烦”的意思。这里的sick并不是“生病”的意思。对话中“I am sick and tired of doing homework. ”的意思是“我对做作业很厌烦”。   还可以这么用,be sick and tired of something。例如:看到贩卖机老板老是吃钱,你觉得厌烦,你可以说:“I am sick and tired of this vending machine。”  此外,还有另外一个相关的有趣的用法:I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. 我对于老是厌烦而感到十分厌烦了。   2. 典型例句  e.g. I was sick and tired of the unending secrecy.  我对这种讳莫如深的神秘气氛感到十分厌烦。   e.g. She must have got sick and tired of hearing people say that.  老是听人说那事她准是厌倦极了。   e.g. I'm sick and tired of being made a convenience by you.  我被你利用得厌倦了。   e.g. I'm sick and tired of his getting me runaround.  我讨厌他把我弄得晕头转向。   Ps 1: 对话中有一些关于do some + N.的用法表示做某事。现在归纳总结如下:do some exercise(运动),do some homework(做作业),do some reading(看书),doing some writing(写作)。例如:    Ps 2:prefer to do的意思是“更喜欢”“宁愿”。例如:  I would prefer to hear no more gossip of any kind.
我希望不要再向我唠叨这种闲言碎语。   She might prefer to give him the cash and call it square.
她也许可把钱还给他,从而了结这笔人情债。   If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer to go shopping by myself.
如果你无所谓,我就自己一个人去购物。   I hate watching television, I prefer to read.  我很不喜欢看电视;我宁愿看书。