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英语俚语习语小对话第511期: "鼓起勇气"英语怎么说? (mp3和文本下载)



Subject:I will get up the nerve to get anexplanation. 
情景对话:  A: What are you doing?  你在干什么呢?    B: I have a problem that I cannot slove. I will get upthe nerve to get an explanation.  我有一个问题我解决不了,我将鼓起勇气得意解决。
地道表达  get up the nerve 
1. 解词释义  Get up the nerve的意思是“鼓起勇气,放大胆子”。Nerve的本义是“神经”,其引申义为“某人非常紧张,易怒,担忧”,还有“勇气,胆量”的意思,如果用于贬义词的话,意思是“厚脸皮,放肆”。Nerve对人非常重要,他是精神的载体,所以我们说“给人神经”,就是“给人勇气”,都可以用nerve来表达。   2. 例句拓展  e.g. I want to marry betty, but I can't seem to get up the nerve to pop the question.  我很想与贝蒂结婚,但是,我怎么也鼓不起勇气去求婚。   e.g. I get up the nerve to break his heart.  我鼓起勇气跟他分手。   e.g. I'm trying to get up the nerve to walk in and tell my boss I want a 20% raise or I'll lookfor another job where they'll pay me what I'm really worth.  他打算到老板的办公室去要求加薪百分之二十,否则他要另谋高就,到愿意付给他应得报酬的地方去工作。   3. 拓展视野 
walk up the nerve  e.g. I've been going with Susan three years and I'm crazy about her! For six months I've beentrying to work up the nerve to ask her to marry me, but I'm afraid all she'll do is laugh.  我和Susan约会已经有三年了,我对她一往情深。最近六个月来我一直想鼓起勇气开口向她求婚,但却老觉得难以启齿,因为我怕她会一笑了之。   Ps:get an explanation的意思是“得到解答,得到解释”。