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人人说英语(中级口语) unit6


[18:15.19]For example,they like Beijing opera,cross talk,and folk music.
[18:21.24]How about younger people?
[18:26.46]Well,younger people prefer new ways.
[18:30.53]We go to bars,movies,and concerts.And we like pop songs.
[18:36.40]The same as British young people.
[18:41.54]So the world is becoming a global village,isn't it?
[19:00.80]Task 5 Speak to yourself
[19:31.76](1)I prefer listen to storytelling to other forms of entertainment.
[19:44.90]Usually,a storyteller tells us a story adapted from historic events.
[19:52.14]famous novels or popular TV series.
[19:56.50]He/She may also comment on the characters in the story
[20:01.43]and judge what is right and what is wrong.
[20:05.57]Once I begin to listen to it,I'm soon absorbed into the story.
[20:11.11]Also,I needn't spend money buying tickets for storytelling.
[20:16.37]I can listen to it on the radia.
[20:19.43]Storytelling is a convenient form of entertainment
[20:22.85]and it certainly brings much relaxation
[20:25.76]and a lot of fun into my life.
[20:28.61](2)I often go to movies at my leisure time.
[20:36.64]Among all the Chinese movies,
[20:39.98]I like crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon best.
[20:43.40]The movie is adapted from a famous Chinese novel
[20:47.62]and the story is fantastic.
[20:50.35]The director is from Taiwan. He's really gifted.
[20:54.78]And I like all the actors and actresses in the movie.
[20:58.92]They're from different parts of China,
[21:01.48]and all of them are popular stars.
[21:04.25]I like the music in this movie particularly.
[21:07.67]It's very beautiful.
[21:10.08]You'd better not miss the opportunity to watch this movie.