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时髦英语口语词汇讲解第19期:Full Monty


Full Monty

Now that's a catchphrase from a film – a film title this time.

I mean, people often don't take film titles and make them catchphrases.

M-o-n-t-y, a name -capital 'M'.
“M-o-n-t-y” 是一个人名, M 要大写。

Now it had existed before as a phrase – but this was a new film, in 1997, a British film about a group of unemployed men, who take their clothes off to earn some money.
Monty在“the full Monty”之前就已经存在。但是这次时是出现在一部电影里,电影讲述的是, 在1997年,一群男人靠脱衣服赚钱的故事。

Now in fact the origin of the word is back in the 1980s, it's rather obscure word actually – nobody quite knows where it comes from.
要对这个单词追根溯源的话,得回到20世纪80年代。 但是,还是相当模糊——没有人确切的知道它到底来源于何处。

It might have come from a firm of clothing manufacturers, famous men's tailors called 'Montague Burton', a complete suit of clothing in the 1970s, 80s, you'd say, we're "wearing the full Monty" – and of course, one's talking about the lack of clothing since the film came along.
也许它来源于制衣厂,因为名流的裁缝师们被叫做“Montague Burton” (也许Monty是其缩写形式),在二十世纪七八十年代,当你穿上一整套衣服时, 你会说 “该有的我都有了”!当然,自从电影问世以后,人们也在开始聊衣服越穿越少的现象。

So in another words, the modern meaning of the phrase is "everything which you need" or "…is appropriate".

If you're packing a suitcase you might say "I've got the full Monty now"; or you're packing a car, "I've got the full Monty"; and when this programme is over, you'll have had "the full Monty" too ….at least about this expression, anyway!
整理行李箱的时候,你也许会用到这个表达“好了,该带的都带了”。或者在往车上装东西的时候,你也会这样说。或者我们的这个节目结束的时候,你也可能用到这个词组“哈,该知道的我都知道了” ——至少关于这个表达的用法你是“该了解的都了解了”!