1. 老帽山位于普兰店市北部、全国战斗英雄于庆阳的家乡--同益乡,其主峰海拔848米。
战斗英雄: combat hero
主峰:main peak; highest peak; dominant peak
海拔:in elevation; above sea level,be elevated ??? meters
【译文1】The Old Hat Mountain is situated in the Town of Tongyi in the north of Pulandian, the home town of Yu Qingyang, a national combat hero, with its main peak as high as 848 meters/with its dominant peak at an elevation of 848 meters/with its highest peak elevated 848 meters.
【译文2】In the Town of Tongyi in northern Pulandian, the home town of Yu Qingyang, a national combat hero, stands the Old Hat Mountain, whose main peak is 848 meters above sea level.
2. 该山因峰秀、石峭、林密、松奇、花异而远近闻名,素有辽南“小黄山”之美誉。
峰秀→秀峰:magnificent, beautiful peaks
石峭→峭石:steep, precipitous cliffs
林密→密林:dense, thick woods
松奇→奇松:奇:奇形怪状grotesque pines
花异→异花:奇异:exotic, rare,
远近闻名:famous far and wide
素有 ……之美誉 :素:ever, all the time, always
美誉:good fame,(good ) reputation
素有 ……之美誉 :ever enjoys the reputation of
【译文】Known far and wide for its magnificent peaks, precipitous cliffs, thick woods, grotesque pines and exotic flowers, it ever enjoys the reputation of the Small Huangshan Mountain in southern Liaoning.
3. 老帽山雄伟壮观、景色宜人。
雄伟:majestic(majesty),magnificent, grand,imposing
景色宜人:宜人:pleasant,delightful, charming, fascinating, enchanting(使心醉)
【译文】The Old Hat Mountain is both majestic and spectacular, offering enchanting views.
4. 山中怪石千姿百态,惟妙惟肖;
姿态:姿势形态:postures, shape
惟妙惟肖:remarkably true to life; be absolutely lifelike
【译文】Its unique rocks of all shapes and postures can find their resemblance in life.