栏目广告位一 |
托福词汇2015-10-26 -
Social media narcissist refers to people who're curating social mediaimages of themselves. “社交媒体自恋狂”是指迷恋上存在于社交媒体中虚幻自己的人。 One of th
托福词汇2015-10-23 -
托福词汇2015-10-23 -
office paper 办公用纸 toner cartridge 硒鼓 jet cartridge 墨粉 ink cartridge 墨盒 ribbon 色带 floppy disk 软盘 printing ink 油墨 projecting film roll 刻录盘
托福词汇2015-10-23 -
For the ladies, the following dress items are common: 对于女士而言,以下着装款式比较常见: Pant suit 长裤西服装 Knee-length skirt or full-length dress 齐膝短裙或长裙
托福词汇2015-10-23 -
高级管理 Senior Management 首席执行官/总经理 CEO/GM/President 副总经理 Deputy GM/VP/Management Trainee 点击发音 总监 Director 合伙人 Partner 总裁/总经理助理 CEO/
托福词汇2015-10-23 -
总公司 Head Office 分公司 Branch Office 营业部 Business Office 人事部 Personnel Department 人力资源部Human Resources Department 总务部 General Affairs Department
托福词汇2015-10-23 -
托福词汇之“霸王假 fait accompli leave”
Employees usually need to ask for permission from their boss for leave,which is called qingjia in Chinese. But on certain occasions like the first dayof work after the Spring F
托福词汇2015-10-22 -
托福词汇之“first job syndrome”
“First job syndrome” is when you get a job early in your career, say rightafter graduation, and stay there for a long, long time to the point where itclouds knowledge of your
托福词汇2015-10-22 -
托福词汇之“fur baby宠物宝宝”
Fur baby refers to a person's dog, cat, or other furry pet animal, that ismore like one's child. "毛宝宝"是指一个人的狗、猫或其他带毛的宠物,更像是某人的孩子。 It's
托福词汇2015-10-22 -
Not Enough Time To Enjoy Life, or NETTEL, refers to the rising pool ofhouseholds headed by two high-income-earning, full-time-working parents withdependent children. NETTEL(
托福词汇2015-10-22 -
The adjective omnichannel is used to refer to "a type of retail whichintegrates the different methods of shopping available to consumers", e.g.online, in a physical shop, or
托福词汇2015-10-22 -
恒星英语网托福频道为各位考生整理了习大大访问英国精彩演讲中那些值得学习掌握的特色词汇和说法: 1. 中英友好关系迈上“新台阶” Although my visit has just started, I
托福词汇2015-10-22 -
托福词汇之“haha point笑点”
HHP is a popular online abbreviation for “haha point”. "Haha" is an echoicword for laughter in Chinese and "point" is the Chinese equivalent of"threshold." Therefore, h
托福词汇2015-10-20 -
托福词汇之“body double替身”
A body double is a general term for someone who substitutes for thecredited actor of a character in any recorded visual medium, whether videotapeor film. The term is most commo
托福词汇2015-10-20 -
Kitchen-sink is a verb, referring to announcing all of a company's badfinancial news at one time. Kitchen-sink是个动词,指将某公司负面的财务信息一次性全部公布出来。 This
托福词汇2015-10-20 -
托福词汇之“laneway house”
Laneway house is a house that opens onto a back or side lane, particularlyon a lot that has an existing dwelling. “巷屋”是在向后巷或边道开门的房屋,尤指靠在现有住宅旁所在位
托福词汇2015-10-20 -
托福词汇之“Walking ATM移动取款机”
Walking ATM refers to an illegal immigrant or migrant worker who isfrequently robbed because they have no bank account and so must carry all theircash. They are afraid to leave
托福词汇2015-10-20 -
"On demand" refers to the ability of people to access mobility withoutneeding to own a transportation vehicle. Through the use of apps and ICT, a newdomain of "mobility brok
托福词汇2015-10-20 -
Onboarding refers to the "action or process of integrating a new employeeinto an organization or familiarizing a new customer or client with one'sproducts or services". O
托福词汇2015-10-20 -
托福词汇之“求赞党praise junkies”
托福词汇2015-10-16 -
托福词汇之“中层管理者lion food”
托福词汇2015-10-16 -
托福词汇之“meal pal饭友”
托福词汇2015-10-16 -
托福词汇2015-10-16 -
栏目广告位二 |