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  1: describe an accomplishment required you to work hard and why it is important to you
  2:living in countryside 还是big city
  3:学校要把evening course给删啦,男生郁闷啊,我也郁闷啊
  4:讲habituation, prairie dog
  1:first see human being,shcok,,又叫又啥的
  5:女的要写paper,但是所需要的材料的faculty not available now
  1: change your topic, waste a lot of time, I have already search a lot of information
  2: waiting and go on working on the paper, I can not do anything else during this 2weeks
  6: climate change
  2:35000啥dooms哦,为什么,因为weather change,你dry一小会不怕,它们get-together to survive, if continue dry, water 都没啦,they die
  1: congestion pricing system

  1: reduce the number of consumer
  2: burden the low-income who driving to the city for work in every weekday
  3: raise the cost of the small businesses depending on the delivers of the truck
  1: London is in the economic depression, and in the fall term, after that period ,t here is the same number of people coming to shopping
  2: they can try to use the public transportation or live in the city
  3: they receive 6 delivers now which can far outweigh its congestion pricing fees
  Disagree or agree
  People with different interests and personalities can not be friends
  1. 女生ID卡掉了, 无法进去宿舍, 钱包也掉了, 饭票也掉了, 不过管理员很好, 一次帮他办到好.
  2. 脑神经细胞, 教授提出之前的研究, 说某一种细胞是主要功能, 但是另一种细胞比较乏人问津, 指出原本以为细胞都是依靠电流传导, 是错误的, 第二种细胞是依靠化学传导.
  3. 诗人浪漫主义.
  1. 请问您的经验里, 哪一种成就你必须努力工作, 这个工作为何如此重要.
  2. 有人喜欢住在大城市, 有人喜欢住在郊区, 请问你喜欢哪一种.
  3. 学校要取消晚间课程, 因为教室太小, 授课老师大都是助教经验不足, 二位学生的对话, 男生反对, 因为助教虽然经验不足, 不过比较有热诚有趣.
  4. 动物习惯, 举例北美洲有一种狗, 因为对人类陌生, 所以会有一些抗拒动作, 但是只要让他熟悉了, 就可以改善.
  5. 史前动物 雷鸟 的灭绝, 有关于气候变迁.
  1. 政府要征收过路费, 文章中反对, a.增加商务人士的负担 b.增加中低阶级的负担 c.增加商家运输的负担, 演讲者支持, a.大部分都是来购物的, 对商务人士没差b.市区停车已经很贵了, 很少人开车, 大都坐大众运输 c.商家可以调整运输次数, 还可降低成本.
  2. 请问你是否同意, 兴趣不同与个性不同的人就不适合交朋友.