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【干预生活】interventing in life
【感伤小说】senimental novel
【高大全】tall, big, and perfect ( the nonexistent divorced-from-realistic-life,
"heroic" figures fabricated in certain literary and art works along the
Gang-of-Four's theory of literature and art during the Cultural Revolution


【格律诗】regulated verse
【革命的政治内容和尽可能完美的艺术形式的统一】unity of revolutionary political content and highest
possible perfection of artistic form
【革命斗争小说】novels and novelettes on revolutionary struggle
【革命文学】revolutionary literature
【革命戏剧】revolutionary drama
【革命现实主义】revolutionary realism


【革命现实主义和革命浪漫主义相结合】combining revolutionary realism with revolutionary romanticism
【革命样板戏】revolutionary model theater
【歌颂工农兵英雄】enlogizing worker, peasent and soldier heroes
【歌颂光明】enlogizing what is bright
【歌行】a poem that can be set to music and song


【《隔帘花影》】Flower Shadows on the Screen
【工人文学】arbeiter literature
【功利主义艺术观】vtilitarianism of art
【宫体诗】palace-style poetry
【宫廷作家】courtly makers
【古代文学】ancient literature


【古典悲剧】classical tragedy
【古典文学】classical literature
【《古今谭概》】A Chat about the Present and the Past
【《古今小说》】The Ancient and Modern Stories
【古今之争】quarrel at the ancients and moderns


【《古诗源》】The Wellsprings of Old Poems
【古体诗】gutishi; ancient style poetry ( a form of pre-Tang poetry, usu. having five
or seven characters to each line, without strict tonal patterns or rhyme schemes
【古为今用,洋为中用】make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China
【古文】1. prose written in the classical literary style
2. ancient Chinese prose


3. Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty
【《古文观止》】The Finest of Ancient Prose
【古文运动】Ancient-Style Prose Movement
【《古小说钩沉》】Ancient Stories Salvaged
【《故事新编》】Old Tales Retold; Old Stories Retold


【故事中的故事】story whthin a story
【《官场现形记》】Revealing Original Shape in Officialdom; Bureaucrats Shown Up
【《管锥编》】The Pipe and Awl Collection; Perspectives on Literature
【《归去来辞》】On Returning Home; The Return
【闺怨诗】boudoir-plaint poetry
【国粹】quintessence of the Chinese culture


【《国殇》】The Ode to the Fallen
【《国语》】Guoyu; Conversations from the States; Discourse on the States

【《海上花列传》】Lives of Shanghai Singsong Girls
【海外奇谈】tall tale


【《汉宫秋》】Sorrow in the Han Palace
【《汉书》】The History of the Han Dynasty; Book of Han;
Chronicles of the Han Dynasty
【《好逑传》】The Fortunate Union
【合声】improptu verse
【《荷花淀》】Lotus Creek


【荷花淀派】Lotus Lake School
【黑色幽默】black humour
【《红高梁》】Red Sorghum
【《红楼梦》】A Dream of Red Mansion; Dream of the Red Chamber


【《呼兰河传》】The History of Hulan River
【《胡笳十八拍》】Barbarian Reed-Whistle Song in Eighteen Stanzas;
Eighteen Verses Sung to a Barbarian Whistle
【《华盖集》】Bad Luck
【《花边文学》】Fringed Literature


【《红旗谱》】Keep the Red Flag Flying
【《红岩》】Red Crag
【后现代主义】post modernism
【厚今薄古】paying more attention to the present than to the past


【话本】script for story-telling; text of a story
【话本小说】story-tellers scripts
【话剧】modern drama
【《淮南子》】Writings of Prince Huainan


【《黄河东流去》】The Yellow River Flows East
【《黄鹤楼送孟浩然至广陵》】Seeing Meng Haoran off to Yangzhou from Yellow Crane Tower
【荒唐故事】cock-and-bull story
【活报剧】skit; street performance


【《激流三部曲 》】The Torrent Trilogy
【及时行乐】carpe diem
【《家》】The Family
【家庭悲剧】domestic tragedy
【加强艺术感染力】to intensity the impact of the art


【《翦灯新话》】New Stories Written While Trimming the Wick
【建安七子】seven leading writers during the Jian An Period at the end of the Han
Dynasty ( Kong Rong, Chen Lin, Wang Can, Xu Gan, Ruan Yu, Ying Yang, and Liu
Zhen )
【建国后文学】literature after founding of the P.R.C
【间谍小说】spy novel
【教诲文学】didatic literature
【结构谨严】(with) a tightly-knit structure(plot)


【结构主义批评】structuralism Criticism
【《今古奇观》】Wonders of the Present and the Past
【《金光大道》】The Bright Road
【《金瓶梅》】The Golden Lotus; Gold Plum Vase; The Plum in the Golden Vase
【《锦瑟》】The Richly Painted Zither


【近代文学】modern literature
【近体诗】modern style poetry ( a refernce to innovations in classical poetry during
the Tang Dynasty, marked by strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes )
【《京本通俗小说》】Popular Stories from Capital Editions
【经济建设小说】novels and novelettes on economic construction
【《警世通言》】Convincing Arguments Warning the World; Comprehensive Words to Admonish
the World


【《镜花缘》】Romance of the Mirrored Flowers
【精神分析学文艺批评】psychoanalysis criticism
【精神生活】spiritual life
【《静夜思》】In the Quiet Night
【《九歌》】Nine Odes; None Songs


【《九尾龟》】None-Tailed Tortoise
【《九章》】The nine Elegies; The Nine Songs
【旧诗】old-style poetry; classical poetry
【《旧文四篇》】Four Essays of Yesterday
【《救风尘》】The Rescue of a Courtesan


【救世主形象】christ figure
【俱象诗】concrete poetry
【绝句】jueju, poem of four lines, each containing five or seven characters, with a
strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme
【《绝妙好词》】Excellent Lyrics
【军事小说】military novels and novelettes