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【打油诗】doggerel; ragged verse
【大场剧场】public theaters
【《大风歌》】Song of the Great Wind
【大墙文学】prison literature
【《大学》】The Great Learning


【大众化】popular; in a popular style
【《当代》】Contemporary Literature
【《道德经》】The Scripture of Ethics; The Way and Its Power
【道德含义】moral meaning


【地方色彩】local colour
【地方小说】regional novel
【典型环境】typical environment
【典型人物】typical person


【典型形象】typical image
【典型性格】model personalities
【电影理论】film theory
【叠句】reiterative sentence
【叠韵】two or more characters with the same vowel formation


【叠字】reiterative locution
【动物寓言故事】beast fable
【《窦娥冤》】The Injustice Done to Dou E
【读者反应批评】reader-response criticism
【对联】couplet written on scrolls


【多重含义】multiple meaning

【俄国形式主义】Russian Formalism
【《儿女英雄传》】The Story of the Hero and The Sisters; Two Sisters Marry the Same Man
【儿童文学】children's literature
【《儿童文学研究》】The study on Children's Literature


【《而已集》】And That's that
【《尔雅》】Literary Expositor
【《二刻拍案惊奇》】The Second Collection of Striking the Table in Amazement at the
【《二十年目睹之怪现状》】Odd Things Witnessed Over Twenty Years; Having Seen Strange Present
Conditions for Twenty Years
【《二十四诗品》】The Twenty-Four Moods of Poetry
【二十四史】the Twenty-Four Histories (dynastic histories from remote antiquity till
the Ming Dynasty)


【二为方向】literature and art following the two directions of being for serving the
people and for serving socialism
【《二心集》Two Hearts

【反面人物】negative character
【反现实主义小说】antirealistic novel


【反映现代生活】to reflect present-day life
【反映现实生活】to reflect real life
【《飞燕外传》】The Private Life of Lady Swallow
【非虚构小说】nonfiction novel


【非正式出版物】underground literature
【肥皂剧】soap opera
【风骨】strength of character; vigour of style
【风景诗】topographical poetry
【风骚】literary excellence; coquettish
【《凤凰涅磐》】The Nirvana of the Phoenix


【《封神演义》】Canonization of the Gods; Gods and Heroes; Investiture of the Gods
【讽刺喜剧】satirical comedy
【丰富的表现能力】rich expressive power
【《枫桥夜泊》】To Moor at Night at the Maple Bridge


【《芙蓉镇》】A Small Town Called Hibiscus
【赋】fu;descriptive prose interspersed with verse; prose-poetry
【复仇悲剧】revenge tragedy


【《浮生六记》】Six Chapters of a Floating Life