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【阿Q正传】The True Story of A Q
【《哀江南赋》】Lament for the South
【爱情喜剧】romantic comedy


【八股】eight-part essay ( a literary composition prescribed for the imperial civil
service examinations, knows for it rigidity of form and poverty of ideas )
【白话诗】free verse written in vernacular
【白话文】writings in vernacular
【《白话文学史》】History of Vernacular Literature


【白描】simple, straightforward style of writing
【《白香词谱笺》】A Collection of Tunes of Ci Poems
【百花齐放,推陈出新】Let a hundred flowers blossom, weed through the old to bring forth
the new
【百花齐放,百家争鸣】Let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought


【《暴风骤雨》】The Hurricane
【暴露文学】literature of exposure
【悲剧性缺陷】tragic flaw
【笔记小说】literary sketches; sketch-book
【边塞诗】frontier-style poetry


【扁平人物】flat character
【变文】bianwen (form of narrative literature flourshing in the Tang Dynasty, with
alternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing, often on Buddhistic
themes )
【表现手法】technique of expression
【柏拉图式恋爱】Platonic love

【才子佳人】gifted scholar and beautiful woman ( a term usually used to refer to ideal


lovers in Chinese romance )
【《采莲赋》】Lotus Gathering
【《蔡文姬》】Cai Wenji
【《沧浪诗话》】Cang Lang's Notes on Poets and Poetry


【长短句】a kind of classical poetry consisting chiefly of seven-character lines
interspersed with shorter or longer ones
【《长干行》】The Trader's Wife
【《长恨歌》】Song of Enduring Sorrow;A Song of Everlasting Sorrow
【《长生殿》】Palace of Eternal Youth; The Longevity Hall


【衬托】to make...stand out in high relief
【衬字】extra word inserted in a line of verse for balance or euphony
【《赤壁赋》】Song of the Red Cliff
【《出师表》】Memorial on Sending Out the Troops
【《初学记》】The Primary Anthology


【《楚辞》】Chuci; Elegies of Chu; Songs of Chu
【传奇】legend; short stories of the Tangand Song dynasties
【传奇小说】romantic novel
【《创业史》】The Builders
【创造社】Creation Society


【创作思想】ideas guiding creation in literature and art
【创作源泉】fountain-headofliteraryand artistic creation
【《春蚕》】Spring Silkworms
【《春灯谜》】Spring Latern Riddles
【《春风沉醉的晚上》】intoxicating Spring Nights


【《春江花月夜》】Spring, the River, Flowers, the Moon: night;The River On a Spring Night
【春柳社】Spring Willow Society
【《春秋》】The Spring and Autumn Annals
【《辍耕录》】Talks in the Intervals of Ploughing


【词】ci poetry (written to certain tunes with strict tonal pattens and rhyme
schemes, in fixed numbers of lines and words originating in the Tang Dynasty and
fully developed in the Song Dynasty )
【词调】tonal patterns and rhyme schemes of ci poetry
【词牌】tune; names of tunes of ci poems


【《词谱》】A Collection of Tunes of Ci Poems
【词曲】general term for ci and qu
【《词源》】The Origin of the Ci Poetry
【词韵】rhyme of ci poems