What does it take to plan like a champion?Well lets take a look into our minds a little bit to answer this question.OK, I need you to be honest to yourself with these next questions. If you lie, you will only lie to yourself and will have learned nothing...
Do you regularly plan ahead?Does your plans involve EVERYTHING you ever wanted?Do you plan ahead for your Business and family?Do you visualize your plan being achieved?** How far ahead do you actually plan???That wasn't so bad was it???Within this article, I will explain to you why ALL of these questions should be asked when planning anything in your life, whether it be for Business or pleasure, it makes no difference.1) Do you regularly plan ahead?Come-on, be honest, do you actually sit there and make a good attempt to plan out your future, every single day? NO? Why not? Is it not that important to you?Failing to plan is the same as planning to fail!Planning everyday may seem like a lot of work to do but in actual reality once it becomes a habit, it becomes second nature.study shows that it takes an average of 21 times for something to become a habit. You must drive your car 21 times before you can drive sub-consciously.One myth that people think about when writing out their plans is that if they don't reach them, they have failed. Let me straighten that one our for you right now. Just because your didn't hit your target doesn't mean that you didn't do anything right, it only means that your closer than before you ever had a plan.Think about that for a second, who made you create your plan? (please don't say me) you did! Who got upset from not hitting the mark (you did). See the key is not to allow yourself to feel bad about not being perfect with your plans. Its not the destination, its the journey that matters.Instead, lets try to concentrate more on why you are doing this in the 1st place. Is it for your family? Is it for more time? More money? Whatever your reason is, think about that and only that when it comes time to revise your plans.2) Does your plans involve everything you wanted?When I say everything, I mean everything. I have this little special note pad that stays on my desk at all times. Within it are countless ideas of everything I ever wanted at that very moment.At that very moment meaning, whatever it was that I wanted to have in my life "at that moment" that would make me happier. Doesn't matter what it is. For you, exactly what right now would make you happy? A nicer car? $5,000 in your bank account? More clients? Better search engine ranks?Anything you want, write it down. Your mind is like a "crew" on your ship. If you don't walk out in the morning and command what it is you actually want done today, your crew won't know what to do. You'll have a bunch of mindless fools running around like chickens trying to find the plank to jump off the boat.writing exactly what it is that you want will give your mind a "TO DO LIST". Once your mind has its "TO DO LIST", your sub-conscious will search through your memory banks for an example of how to accomplish your "to do list". If your mind doesn't find anything within your memory banks, it will eventually start shooting out ideas and tips for your conscious mind to complete.I should also note that writing down something is like etching it right into stone when it comes to your mind. It's like your mind is the paper, you need to write something down in order for it to come back later and revise what it is that you wrote down.3) Do you plan ahead for your Business and family?Well why wouldn't you? When I think about my Business, I think of what it will do for me, my friends, and my family in the future. At the moment, I am currently not married nor do I have any children but that doesn't mean that I am not thinking about the future with a family in it.Always consider