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Getting In Touch With Your Inner Feelings


Every disease or ailment, whether it be cancer, Diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure or something else, has a series of warning signs. In ever case, when we experience an abnormality, we tend to move quickly to do something to get back to normal. Our physical feelings tell us when we're well, and they also tell us when we're not well. If we want to live a long and healthy life we had better pay attention to our physical feelings.

In the same way, nature also gives us a way to tell what's right for us and what's wrong for us in life. Just as nature gives us physical pain to tell us when something is wrong in the physical realm, nature also gives us emotional pain to guide us toward doing or not doing things in the emotional or mental realm. The key to dramatically enhancing the quality of your life is simply to follow the guidance you are given. You should always listen to your mind, your body, and your emotions.

Just as our natural physical state is health and vitality, our natural emotional state is peace and happiness. Whenever you experience a deviation from peace and Happiness, it's an indication that something is wrong or out of balance in your life. Something is wrong with what you're thinking, doing, or saying. Feelings of ease or uneasiness, happiness or unhappiness, can be triggered by a myriad of factors. But it is your feeling of inner Happiness that is the best indicator you could ever have to tell you what you should be doing more of and what you should be doing less of.

UnHappiness is to your life, what pain is to your body. It's sent as message to tell you that what you're doing is wrong for you. Unfortunately many people don't listen to their inner feelings and are reluctant to use their own Happiness as the standard by which to judge the events in their lives.

Human beings are naturally Happiness driven. Everything we do in life is oriented toward maintaining and increasing our level of Happiness. We are built so that it's impossible for us to feel any other way, without making ourselves mentally and emotionally ill. The fact is, you can't give away to anyone else what you don't have yourself. So, you can't make someone else happy if your are not happy yourself.

The very best way to assure the happiness of others is to be happy yourself and then in turn, share your happiness with them. For example, when a parent has a high level of self-esteem and Happiness, he or she then expresses it and shares it with his or her children. When a parent does this, they are giving the greatest gift a parent can give.

When you are unhappy it depresses and discourages the people around you. If you want to make others happy, start by living the kind of life and doing the kind of things that make you happy.

One of the most important things that we ever do in life is to serve other people in some way. It is through service to others that we achieve a sense of meaning and purpose in life. But, the key is to serve with joy and Happiness. I believe we are here to serve others, but we're also here to achieve our own joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment as a result. When we feel that we are making a contribution to the world we're living in and that we're putting in more than we're taking out, it raises our level of self-esteem.