

  Part I Writing

  How to Get Prepared for a Job
  As a result of the population booming in the past, the competition in job markets is getting much fiercer. As college students who are to graduate in the future, we must prepare ourselves when still on campus in order to gain an upper hand.
  There are several things we college students can do to sharpen our competitive edge. First, start preparing early. We all know that it is the early bird that catches the worm. It is too late to consider our future career upon graduation. Why not plan beforehand? Second, we should attach greater importance to our personalities such as honesty, cooperation and perseverance. They are more important than appearance in landing a job although it is advantageous to have a neat look. Third, we should make a close self-examination so as to know what our weaknesses and strengths are so that we can do something about them to improve ourselves. Lastly, we can take some preliminary training for the job we’d like to have. For example, if an English major wants to work as a certificated public accountant, he’d better acquaint himself with some financial knowledge while on campus.
  In a word, opportunity will only favor those with a ready mind. Just figure out what we’d like to do in the future and act accordingly.
  Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
  1. N 大意题。文章述及数人失业后给各自生活带来了令人意想不到的好处,并未表明失业即福的观点。
  2. Y 先找到Lisa Perez这个名字。Community Involvement标题下第一段 "...become obsessed with homemaking..." 即证明了该命题表述正确。
  3. Y Community Involvement标题下的第四段提到 "...to meet powerful and wellconnected people." 所以该陈述是正确的。
  4. N Community Involvement标题下的第三段,Perez 说"Volunteering takes the focus off of you. One thing you have that’s still valuable is your time. And, of course, you learn that there are thousands of people with a life that’s much worse than yours," 可见Perez并没有后悔做义务工作。
  5. Y 标题Continuing Education下的第一段第二句话"This is a lot of time, especially for hard-charging high-performers who are not used to having any free time."表明了该陈述正确。
  6. NG 先从文章中找到 Bellavance 这个名字,然后细读会发现文章并没有明确提及他提高自己的计算技能。
  7. N 根据domestic affairs可基本确定此题信息出自标题Family matters中的内容,在第一段找到对应句"In addition to pursuing training or volunteering, some displaced careerists use their time off work to attend to family matters.",由此可以断定他们只是更多地参与到家庭事务中,绝非全权掌管家事,所以陈述不对。
  8. a huge boost/increase in confidence 陈述中的人名就是关键信息词,内容属于标题Family matters中的事例,在最后一段第一句话提到"One of the unexpected benefits was the huge boost in confidence he gained from his role as caregiver.",所以Mr. Rappaport意外的收获就是信心大增。
  9. scriptwriting and the movie business 同样根据人名锁定陈述对应的句子在标题Discovery and Exploration的第二段"Michael Ross...recently spent his 10 months of unemployment playing guitar and exploring his lifelong interest in scriptwriting and the movie business.",直接填空即可。
  10. shoring up family bonds 本题为全文"unemployment ‘blessings’"的总结,自然应该在文章最后一段寻找相关内容,对应的句子是"These job seekers pursued service, continuing education and shoring up family bonds",同样可以直接填空。