

  Part ⅤCloze(15 minutes)
  Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
  Robert Edwards 67 in an unusual accident many years 68 .He was also partially deaf 69 old age.Last week he was walking near his home 70 a thunderstorm 71 .He took shelter 72 a tree and was struck by lightning.He was 73 to the ground and woke up 74 20 minutes later, 75 face down in water below a tree.He went into the house and lay down in bed.A short time later he awoke.His legs couldn’t move 76 he was trembling. 77 ,when he opened his eyes he could see the clock 78 the room in front of him. 79 his wife entered he saw her for the first time in nine years. Doctors confirmed that he had 80 his sight and hearing apparently 81 the flash of lightning.But they were unable to explain the 82 . One possible explanation 83 by one doctor was that Edwards lost his sight 84 a hard blow in a terrible accident.Perhaps the only way it could 85 was by 86 blow.
  67. A) blinded B)was blinded
  C)had been blind D)had been blinded
  68. A) later B)before C)ago D)early
  69. A) because of B)because
  C)at D)in
  70. A) when B)while C)until D)where
  71. A) fell B) blew
  C)formed D)approached
  72. A) in B)on C)under D)near
  73. A) thrown B)knocked C)fallen D)beaten
  74. A) just B)some C)for D )within
  75. A) to lie B)having lain
  C)lay D)lying
  76. A) and B) when C) but D) while
  77. A) Thus B) Therefore C) But D) Above all
  78. A) across B) through C) into D) out of
  79. A) While B) When
  C)Whenever D)As
  80. A) gained B)gotten
  C) reminded D)regained
  81. A) at B)in C)from D) on
  82. A) result B)reason
  C)consequence D)content
  83. A) offered B)contributed
  C)sought D) thought
  84. A) because of B)owing to
  C)based on D)as a result of
  85. A) restore B)be restored
  C)have restored D)have been restored
  86. A) other B) the other C)another D)one