

   Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)
  Section A
  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must rend the four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
  [A] 1016.
  [B] 1060.
  [C] 508.
  [D] 580.
  12. [A] Father and daughter.
  [B] Uncle and niece.
  [C] Aunt and nephew.
  [D] Cousins.
  13. [A] She wasn’t invited.
  [B] She wasn’t ready to come.
  [C] She altered her decision.
  [D] She forgot the invitation.
  14. [A] The door needs repairing.
  [B] He had lost all his keys.
  [C] He couldn’t open the door.
  [D] He wanted the woman to help him.
  15. [A] She’s rather happy to hear so.
  [B] She’s disappointed to hear so.
  [C] She’s unhappy to hear so.
  [D] She’s surprised to hear so.
  16. [A] He thought it was a good car.
  [B] He thought it was too noisy,
  [C] He thought there was something wrong with the car.
  [D] He didn’t like it.
  17. [A] In a car.
  [B] In a train,
  [C] In a ship.
  [D] In a plane.
  18. [A] She’ll go to the concert.
  [B] She’ll have a meeting.
  [C] She’ll watch her neighbor’s children.
  [D] She’ll visit her neighbor.
  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  19. [A] The early history of bookbinding.
  [B] How old books become valuable.
  [C] Economical ways to protect old books.
  [D] Why some books decay.
  20. [A] They are often handled improperly by readers.
  [B] The paper is destroyed by chemicals.
  [C] The ink used in printing damages the paper.
  [D] The glue used in the binding loses its strength.
  21. [A] They are difficult to read.
  [B] They are slowly falling apart
  [C] They were not made from wood pulp.
  [D] They should be stored in a cold place.
  22. [A] Get some books for the man to look at.
  [B] Ask the man to look over her notes.
  [C] Continue her research in the library.
  [D] Find more information on how books are preserved.
  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  23. [A] Which major the woman will be choosing.
  [B] An anthropology course the woman is taking,
  [C] How to find a job in publishing.
  [D] which anthropology professors the man recommends.
  24. [A] It is not as difficult as she had thought it wonld be.
  [B] She would like her professor to explain it more clearly.
  [C] She took a class on it last semester.
  [D] Her professor will write a book on it soon.
  25. [A] Her professor.
  [B] A classmate.
  [C] Her former boss.
  [D] A foreign diplomat.
  Section B
  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A ], [ B ], [ C ]and [D]. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
  注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2 E作答。
  Passage One
  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  [A] Because nobody knew his address.
  [B] Because nobody knew his age.
  [C] Because Penury’s private life was a secret.
  [D] Because Penury was still a bachelor at the age of forty-five.
  [A] He did not spend money freely.
  [B] He was always well-dressed.
  [C] He had a luxurious ear.
  [D] He worked hard for a living.
  [A] A photographer.
  [B] A burglar.
  [C] A reporter.
  [D] A professor.
  Passage Two
  Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  [A] In 1809.
  [B] In 1863.
  [C] In 1865.
  [D] In 1860.
  [A] Four years.
  [B] Five years
  [C] Three years.
  [D] Six years.
  [A] A soldier.
  [B] A thief.
  [C] A government officer.
  [D] An actor.
  [A] Because they didn’t like Lincoln being their President.
  [B] Because they wanted to set up their own government,
  [C] Because they disagreed with Lincoln on the abolishment of slavery.
  [D] Because they wanted to stage a war against Lincoln’s government.
  Passage Three
  Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  [A] 10points.
  [B] 2 points.
  [C] 15 points.
  [D] points.
  [A] They will take one of the six major tests,
  [B] They will have to write a composition.
  [C] They will be given a pop test.
  [D] They will be required to read a short story in class.
  [A] An essay.
  [B] A magazine article,
  [C] A poem.
  [D] A short story.
  Section C
  Directions: In this section, you will heat" a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time. you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time. you are required to fill in the blanks numbered.from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally. when the passage is read for the third time. you should check what you have written.
  注意:此部分试题在答题卡2上;请在答题卡2 上作答。
  Part Ill Section C
  Scientists have developed a new cancer drug. So far, they have tested it only on (36) __ animals. The drug is designed to (37) __ and kill cancer cells but not healthy cells.
  First, the drug enters the cancer and destroys the supply of blood. Then it releases (38)__ to destroy the cancer cells.
  Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge carried out the study. The (39) __ appeared in Nature ( 40 ) __. A school news release called the drug an "anti-cancer smart bomb".
  Ram Sasisekharan is a professor at M.I.T. He says his team had to (41) __ three problems. They had to find a way to destroy the blood vessels, then to (42) __ the growth of new ones. But they also needed the blood vessels to supply
  chemicals to destroy the cancer.
  So, the researchers designed a two-part "nanocell". The cell is (43) in nanometers, or one thousand millionth of a meter. (44)
  The scientists say it was small enough to pass through the blood vessels of the cancer, but it was too big to enter normal blood vessels. The surface of the nanocells also helped them to avoid natural defenses.(45)
  That cut off the blood supply and trapped the nanocell inside the cancer. Then, the nanocell slowly released chemotherapy drugs to kill the cancer cells.(46)