

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Today the world's economy is going through two great changes, both bigger than an Asian financial crisis here or a European monetary union there.

The first change is that a lot of industrial_67_is moving from the United States, Western Europe and Japan to _68 _countries in Latin America, South-East Asia and Eastern Europe. In 1950, the United States alone _69_ for more than half of the world's economy output. In 1990, its _70_ was down to a quarter. By 1990, 40% of IBM's employees were non-Americans; Whirlpool, America's leading _71_ of domestic appliances, cut its American labor force _72_ 10%. Quite soon now, many big western companies will have more _73_ (and customers) in poor countries than in rich _74_ .

The second great change is _75_, in the rich countries of the OECD, the balance of economic activity is _76_ from manufacturing to _77_. In the United States and Britain, the _78_ of workers in manufacturing has _79_ since 1900 from around 40% to barely half that. _80_ in Germany and Japan, which rebuilt so many _81_after 1945, manufacturing's share of jobs is now below 30%. The effect of the _82 is increased _83_ manufacturing moves from rich countries to the developing ones, _84_ cheap labor _85_ them a sharp advantage in many of the _86_ tasks required by mass production.

67. A. product B. production C. products D. productivity

68. A. other B. small C. capitalistic D. developing

69. A. accounted B. occupied C. played D. shared

70. A. output B. development C. share D. economy

71. A. state B. consumer C. representative D. supplier

72. A. by B. at C. through D. in

73. A. products B. market C. employees D. changes

74. A. one B. ones C. times D. time

75. A. what B. like C. that D. how

76. A. ranging B. varying C. swinging D. getting

77. A. producing B. products C. servicing D. services

78. A. proportion B. number C. quantity D. group

79. A. changed B. gone C. applied D. shrunk

80. A. Furthermore B. Even C. Therefore D. Hence

81. A. armies B. weapons C. factories D. countries

82. A. question B. manufacturing C. shift D. rebuilding

83. A. with B. as C. given D. if

84. A. while B. whose C. who's D. which

85. A. give B. is giving C. gives D. gave

86. A. repetitive B. various C. creative D. enormous

Part Ⅵ Translation (5 minutes)

Directions: Complete the sentence on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

87. It was in the 1960s__________________________(两国的贸易达到了最高点).

88. ______________________ (无论我们遇到怎样的困难),we'll help one another to overcome them.

89. He always did well at school every now and then. _____________________ (尽管得做兼职) every now and then.

90. I was halfway back to the cottage where my mother lived __________________________ (就在那时那男的追上了我).

91. I suggested he__________________________(适应他的新环境).