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Q: I am looking for a full-time job that uses my writing, people and information-gathering talents from 25 years as a Los Angeles Times staff writer. My concern, validated by the coach at the retraining corporation, is that I am over 40. That coach actually told me to leave the dates of college attendance, etc., off my resume. My brother, president of a publicly-traded company, said this advice was nonsense, although he did say age is an issue (and he's older than I am).Can you address this issue of inferiority complex for those of us competing with candidates 20 years our junior? How do we address it? How can we compensate for the potential perception that we are burn-outs or tired when we might -- in my case -- just be bored because we know the job so well?

A: No doubt, age discrimination does exist in the workplace. But don't despair. There actually are advantages to being over 40.

'This is a good time to position yourself as a deeply competent and confident professional in your area of expertise and experience,' says Rabia de Lande Long, a consultant and executive coach at Chartwell Advisors. 'In uncertain economic times, employers can be drawn more to experienced workers who join with ready-to-use skills and a shallow learning curve,' she says.
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Chartwell Advisors的顾问、执行教练德兰德龙(Rabia de Lande Long)说,这是一个好机会,你可以把自己定位成在你的专业领域中一个非常有能力、非常自信的专业人士。她说,在不确定的经济时期,雇主可能会对经验丰富的人更感兴趣,他们拥有现成的技能,无需经过太多的培训。

Finding Employment in Your 50s

What's more, younger workers are often perceived as job hoppers -- quick to jump from one opportunity to the next. Employers aren't likely to want to invest in training new talent -- especially in this environment -- unless employees are committed and stable.

As to whether or not you include the dates of your degrees, career experts have varying opinions. In most cases, it is a good idea to include them. If your resume attempts to indicate that you are younger by leaving out graduation dates or eliminating 10 years of early career history, 'you could run the risk of surprising the interviewer and disqualifying yourself -- not so much because of age, but because you have misled the employer,' says Sheryl Spanier, a career coach and consultant. When you include early work experience, it isn't difficult to calculate the general age of a candidate. So why make the recruiter do the math? Leaving out the dates of your degrees may also make it appear that you have something to hide. What's more, many employers verify degrees and will ask you to provide graduation dates, so you might as well provide them. Be sure to include any recent continuing education and dates you completed the work.
至于你是否要把自己的教育时间包括在简历中,职业专家的观点各异。大部分情况下,把教育时间写进去是个好主意。职业教练、顾问斯潘尼亚(Sheryl Spanier)说,如果在简历中不写毕业时间或是最初10年的工作经历,为的是显得你更年轻的话,你在面试的时候可能会把面试官吓一跳、失去机会,并不是因为你的年龄,而是因为你误导了雇主。当把早期的工作经历写进去,就不难算出一个应聘者的大概年龄了。所以,为什么要让招聘官做算数呢?把教育时间省略掉,还可能让你看起来像在掩盖什么。此外,很多雇主会核实应聘者的学历,要求你提供毕业时间,所以你最好还是在简历中写明。记得把任何最近的继续教育经历和时间写到简历中。

For professionals who are in their mid-50s and older, it will be harder to overcome potential employer biases. 'If you are a youthful 55, perhaps you could post a professional photo of yourself on LinkedIn, which most recruiters check these days,' says Ms. de Lande Long. In addition, in your cover letter, you'll want to differentiate yourself 'by showing results, (understanding of) technology and demonstrate ease in interacting with colleagues of all ages,' she says.

During the interview process, avoid the 'been there, done that' attitude. Instead, show interest, commitment, enthusiasm and energy. 'If you're bored with your profession, you can be sure that comes through in an interview,' says Susan Chadick, a principal at Chadick Ellig, an executive-search firm serving small and mid-size companies and startups.
在面试过程中,避免平铺直叙式的态度。相反,要展示自己的兴趣、奉献精神、热情和能量。Chadick Ellig的一位负责人查蒂克(Susan Chadick)说,如果你对自己的专业厌倦了,你肯定会在面试时显露出来。这是一家高管猎头公司,为中小企业和初创公司提供服务。