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The consensus of economic forecasters expects 2010 to be a year of modest economic growth -- almost 3% -- much better than the previous two years. But that's not good enough to bring unemployment -- the greatest continuing threat to the economy -- close to pre-recession levels.
The consensus is almost always wrong in some respect; the question is in which respects the economy will surprise us. A lot rides on how much hiring employers do. Here are three of the other big variables.
Business investment is primed to rebound. Will it?
The pullback from consumers spooked by an economic downturn spurred an even sharper withdrawal by businesses. Capital spending tumbled during the recession more than it had at any time since the Great Depression. That means it has plenty of room to recover, if businesses can grow more confident.
Business balance sheets overall look promising. Corporate profits are up, the cost of capital is down and productivity is strong.
Firms have plenty of funds to finance investments, from machinery to software. The corporate financing gap, a reflection of how much firms must raise externally, hit a negative $189 billion in the third quarter from a negative $153 billion in the April-June period, according to Federal Reserve data. A negative financing gap means companies have the funds in house to support their capital expenditures.
经纪及金融技术公司Investment Technology Group Inc.的首席经济学家巴伯拉(Robert Barbera)说,与美国的家庭状况不同,企业领域处于极好的财务状况中。企业创造出的资金远远超过了它们的投资额。
'Unlike the household sector, the corporate sector is in excellent fiscal condition,' says Robert Barbera, chief economist at Investment Technology Group Inc., a brokerage and financial technology firm. Businesses are 'wildly generating more money than they're using to invest.'
A sustained rebound in capital expenditures can't occur without a modest improvement in consumer spending. But pent-up demand by businesses, after slashing expenditures sharply in the past year, could prove critical in giving the economy the velocity it needs to recover.
Economists are on counting on some improvement in capital spending. On this front, we could see an upside surprise in 2010.