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Will housing heal?
Trouble throughout the housing sector clearly is abating. But homeowners, lenders and builders have a long way to go before regaining confidence.
Sharp home-price declines can lead consumers to spend less and banks, hit by loan losses, to lend less. While the worst of the price drops appear to be over, home values nationwide are expected to show tiny gains -- if any -- throughout 2010.
The biggest reason: the troubling spike in home foreclosures is nowhere near its end. At the end of the third quarter, 4.5% of loans were in the foreclosure process, up from 3% a year earlier, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. On top of that, 9.6% of all loans had at least one past-due payment. Until the unemployment rate recovers substantially, improvement will be elusive.

所有这一切都意味着有更多的房屋进入市场,进而压低房价。衍生品经纪公司MF Global首席经济学家奥沙利文说,市场上仍有大量过剩房屋。由于供房没有那么难了,我们将会慢慢消化这些过量供应,不过不管怎样,房屋仍旧严重过剩。
All of that means more homes coming on the market, pushing values lower. 'There still is a huge, huge excess of homes,' says Jim O'Sullivan, chief economist at MF Global. Due to better home affordability 'you're going to eat into that glut over time, but nonetheless there's still a huge excess.'
Much of the recent improvement in sales is due to low mortgage rates, spurred by the Federal Reserve's purchase of mortgage securities, and a federal tax credit for home buyers. Both are set to expire by the middle of next year. When they do, sales activity will take a hit.
One area of housing could show some hope. Residential investment fell so sharply during the economic downturn that it has little room to decline further.
Sales of new homes in November stood 74% below the July 2005 peak and are unlikely to reach that level again for many years. But inventories have been whittled down to the lowest level since 1971, so construction is likely to rise and contribute to overall growth in the economy.
After two years of turmoil, forecasters' consensus view is for minor improvement in housing in 2010. For home prices, the risk is clearly to the downside given mounting foreclosures. But home construction, starting from its depressed levels, has a good shot at being a positive surprise for 2010.