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应聘面试 细节决定成败

Here are five danger zones where small slip-ups could damage your chances:
着装。Your attire.

A middle-aged executive with an impressive resume wore a slightly low-cut blouse during her interview with the head of a hospital in a small Texas town. Leaning across his desk, she revealed a black panther tattoo on her breast.
这位CEO最终拒绝了这位女士,他后来告诉安排此次面试的猎头、Kaye/Bassman 国际公司合伙人布拉德利.G.理查森(Bradley G. Richardson),“董事会以及医院都不能接受拥有这个职位的人身上有”那么一个大号文身。
The CEO nixed her for the finance chief's role. The large tattoo 'would not fly with the board members and the community for someone in that position,' he told Bradley G. Richardson, a partner at recruiters Kaye/Bassman International Corp., which handled the search.
用餐礼仪。 Your meal etiquette

Most job seekers know not to order messy food. Your timing matters, too. Hoping to join a big Midwestern bank, a recent college graduate arrived late for a group interview at a restaurant. Officials and fellow candidates already were seated.
The latecomer 'ordered the most expensive item on the menu, ate and finished his meal before others were served,' recalls Barbara Pachter, a business-etiquette specialist who advised the bank. She learned about the young man from a successful attendee at the group dinner who participated in an etiquette class that Ms. Pachter led for the bank. She says poor manners were the main reason the bank spurned the latecomer for its management-training program.
是否可以变通。Your tactfulness.

As an executive vice president of a technology management consultancy, Dan Burns often asked promising prospects when they could start work before he made an offer. They often said they weren't available for weeks because they needed to give notice.

'That's the last thing a hiring manager wants to hear,' says Mr. Burns, a recent retiree and author of 'The First 60 Seconds: Win the Job Interview Before It Begins.' You risk killing your candidacy unless you tell an interested employer that you're equally interested in the job, he cautions. Once you get an offer, you're in a better position to negotiate your arrival date.