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应聘面试 细节决定成败

汗流浃背去面试?Your sweat.

A project manager hired by Mr. Burns a few summers ago jogged 12 blocks from a train station to the office of a client that was considering the recruit for a consulting gig. 'Overheated and soaked, he asked if the company had shower facilities that he might use before the interview started,' remembers Mr. Burns, who met the project manager in the lobby of the client's building before the interview. 'You could see the sweat stain on his white shirt.'
The company lacked showers and executives refused Mr. Burns's request to reschedule the meeting. They chose a different consultancy for their project.
你的风度和举止。Your deportment.

Inappropriate behavior can cause problems. Ms. Golden, who helps companies screen top-level candidates, dislikes male ones who put a hand on her shoulder following an interview. The patronizing touch comes across as ''Thanks for your time, sweetheart,'' she complains.
During a July interview at Goliath Jobs, an aspiring marketing manager waved his hands wildly to demonstrate his enthusiasm for the job. The gesturing prospect knocked over his sealed water bottle twice. An intern soon served coffee. Extending his arm to show how far he'd go for a sale, the man toppled the mug. Coffee covered the conference table. 'He was very passionate, but way too much,' Mr. Mezzapelle says.
The man nevertheless landed the job -- thanks to strong references. But he quit in November, frustrated by his scant commissions.
'He could not handle sales in an industry he knew nothing about,' Mr. Mezzapelle says. In hindsight, Mr. Mezzapelle realizes the anxious hand waving 'displayed a lack of confidence in his abilities.' He regrets hiring the unemployed man.