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2010年 你能否把握住真爱?


DID you find love in the long hazy days of summer 2008? Then very soon, it could be crunch time for your relationship.
In a study of over 2000 Brits in love to mark the release of DVD 500 Days of Summer, those who were questioned highlighted that the 16 to 18 month mark is the most crucial time when couples decide how their relationship will progress.
Reasons given for these sudden break-ups included growing apart (22 per cent), having their eye on someone else (13 per cent)and feeling bored in and out of the bedroom (nine per cent).

     你是在2008年那个浪漫的夏天找到今生相伴的爱人的吗?那么经过1年多的相处,现在你们又过得怎样呢?是达到了双剑合璧不离不弃的状态,还是进入了若即若离关系模糊的冷战? 这里,我们来总结一下2009年爱情小技巧,来看看那些细节上的处理更能够增加恋人双方的关系,从过去的经验中总结得失,扔掉坏毛病,学习新技巧,让我们的爱情更上一层楼。

Jo Hemmings, behavioural psychologist says: "After reaching the milestone of a year and half, bigger decisions start to loom for couples such as should they move in together and is this the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with. "With the New Year psychologically being a time of reflection, January is certainly the most popular month for breaking hearts and new starts." Here, Jo gives us her top tips on making 2010 the year for bagging a beau and keeping him ...

    行为心理学家Jo Hemmings说道“情侣关系满1年半之后,会进入一个决定阶段,双方都会慎重的重新审视与对方的关系。实际上,这个时候恋爱已经结束,人们开始考虑婚姻和后半生。”
    Jo Hemmings 还说“同时,随着新年假期的到来,正好给了人们静下心来(抛开忙碌的工作)反思,所以每年的1月都是分手or新开始密集发生的一个时间段。”
    所以呐,为了不让分手杯具的发生,希望你记住这些Love Tips小窍门,忍一时海阔天空,退一步风平浪静,在1月的假期整理自己,说不定就能牵着你现在爱人的手,一起慢慢到老。