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2010年 你能否把握住真爱?

6. Being interested in activities outside of work/looking for a partner is what makes you interesting. Taking your foot off the gas in trying to find a partner and doing other stuff that you enjoy is often a fast track to finding someone special.

6. 为你的爱情积极投身于某个兴趣活动之中。和他/她一起互动、探索,记住共同完成一件有意义的事情,是最值得纪念的。

7. Resolve to be firm but fair - letting someone down with a polite but clear message that you're not a match made in heaven, is better than being stuck on a second or third date because you don't want to upset them.

7. 对待感情同样有原则——也许偶尔让对方失望也不赖嘛!由于你礼貌的拒绝很清楚的告诉他你们并不非生来合适,这样总好过你因为不想拒绝对方在第二次或者第三次约会时感情就遇到瓶颈。

8. Next time your partner says "What's up?" resolve not to say "Nothing". Learn to speak your mind firmly but tactfully and improve those important communication skills.

8. 当你爱人问起“到底发生了什么事”,请不要直接说“不”。请学会一些沟通技巧,会让你们的交谈更加顺畅。

9. Resolve to improve your flirting skills. Flirting gets a lot of bad press, but done well to someone you fancy it's the most direct yet subtle message you can give and makes the other person feel great!

9. 改善你的调情技巧,差劲的调情技巧只会让事情变得更糟哦~但如果用好了却会事半功倍,这种直接的表达方式最容易让对方感到踏实和幸福。

10. Be open minded about your potential partner. Don't be too picky with a long shopping list nor too random in your choices. Both are fruitless - restrict yourself to three "must haves" and let the rest unfold naturally.

10. 宽容开放的思想。不要为一些并不太重要的判断上和爱人争执,宽容一点对自己也对别人,这样生活可能会更加轻松。