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2010年 你能否把握住真爱?

1. If you're single, resolve to do something new. Instead of thinking about internet, speed dating or buying a hot new outfit get out there and do it!


2. Need some guidance on your love life? Booking a session with a Dating or Relationship Coach could be just the boost and direction that you need.

2. 需要给你的爱情生活一点指导?那么现在就预约一个恋爱关系教练,从他那里学习一些和爱人相处的艺术很有必要噢。

3. Take the opportunity to clear out your underwear drawer and consign all greying, baggy bras and pants to the bin. High street stores do fabulous underwear these days - invest in something sexy!

3. 趁着这个机会好好清理一下你的内衣抽屉。把那些宽松的BRA和内衣都扔掉,试着投资一下性感,对,你知道我说的什么,改变一下自己。让你们的生活变得更附有情趣。

4. Pep up things in the bedroom, by spicing things up a little.

4. 在卧室增加一些装饰品,或者情趣类的小玩意。

5. Remind yourself that dating is about having fun. If you're stuck in a rut ask yourself "Is it worth it?" and if you need to move on, remember that practice makes perfect.

5. 对自己说,约会是为了寻找更多的乐趣。而不要仅仅停留在‘为什么这样做,这样做值得吗’之类的问题上。