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Anyone checking out the British news-stands must think this is a nation obsessed with celebrity, television, sport and sex--all richly represented in sleazy tabloids and the bright pink print of women's magazines and gossip weekies.
Britain's large tabloid presence represents a hangover from the old class system: a wide suspicion of intellectualism and an unhealthy disregard for serious news, informed debate or educated opinion. Sales of all five "serious" newspapers together amount to less than the 3.1 million circulation of the nation's best-selling paper, The Sun.
A recent study by the communications industry watchdog Ofcom in Britain found that only 45 percent of UK adults trust broadsheet newspaper content. Only 19 percent trust tabloid newspapers; 46 percent actually distrust them. So why buy them?
Tabloids appeal to the gut instinct of the masses, who laugh at the crazy headlines, but happily take in the right-wing celebrity columns from Richard Littlejohn (Daily Mail) and Jeremy Clarkson (The Sun/The times). It's hard to resist stories of Britain being taken over by immigrants, or of politicians' sex scandals. They simply strengthen readers' sense of grievance.