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未来迷茫 毕业生成"校漂族"


  Graduate students who find the harsh realities of life off campus too hard to handle are sneaking back to sleep, eat and hang out at their former universities。


  Chen Hongying, an English graduate at Hebei University, rents a house near her school after failing in the exam last year. This year, she will have another try。

  陈红英(音译)是河北大学英语专业的毕业生 ,在去年研究生入学考试中落榜,她便在校旁租了间房子,打算来年再战。

  By getting up at 7:00 am for breakfast in the school cafeteria, studying in the school library 30 minutes later, and having lunch at 12:00, Chen is repeating her student routine of the year before。
