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  Creative genius though she may be, it seems Miuccia Prada would be ill-advised to get on the wrong side of her husband: when overseeing the decor of a new Miu Miu store in 1997, he had a bit of a problem with a mirror. But while your average business mogul1 might just have demanded a refund from the manufacturer, not Bertelli. Oh no. He smashed it. “It made people look too fat,” he said of the incident. And could there possibly be a worse fashion crime than that? His ire is not just reserved for unflattering mirrors though – he famously broke the rear lights of several cars parked in the wrong spaces of Prada’s carpark. “I enjoyed that,” he remarked afterwards. Quite.

  尽管缪西娅·普拉达是一个具有创造力的天才,但她似乎总是欠考虑,惹丈夫生气:1997 年在视察一家缪缪(普拉达的少女副线品牌)新店的装潢时,贝特利不太满意一面镜子。一般的商业大亨可能会要求制造商退款,但贝特利没有。噢,不会吧,他将镜子砸碎了。 “这个镜子照得人太胖了。”他这样描述他的举动。还有比那个更糟的时尚犯罪吗?他的愤怒不只是针对不能将人照得美的镜子——他还因砸坏了许多在普拉达停车场停错车位的车的尾灯而“声名远扬”。“我喜欢那样做,”他后来谈道。他确实非常喜欢。