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  Getting the impression he might quite like letting loose now and then? Yes, us too. Prada, though, seems to have taken those incidents in her stride: “I always tell Bertelli: You like this reputation, or you’d change it,” she says, while Bertelli maintains that his anger is only triggered by things that are banal2, or for people who just don’t cut it. “My behavior is always correct, and I always try to motivate people,” he said.

  你是不是感觉他有时非常喜欢发泄?没错,我们不是也喜欢发泄嘛。不过普拉达似乎都能坦然应对那些事情: “我一直都这样跟贝特利说:要么你喜欢这个名声,要么你就得改掉这毛病,” 她说,尽管贝特利坚持说自己只在遇到毫无新意的东西或那些不懂得将这些乏味之物除掉的人时才发火。“我的行为举止一直都很得体,我总是试着激发人们的上进心,”他说。

  So there you go fashion fans. Please ensure that, should you meet the power pair, your mirrors are suitably flattering, your cars are correctly parked and your conversation is not banal.
