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  Pedestrians complain that e-bike riders pay little heed to the rules of the road. Drivers of electric bikes are 'totally devoid of conscience and respect for the law,' complained Wang Mingyue, a blogger on the popular Beijing News Web site.


  China's e-bike industry started under the planned economy of the Maoist 1960s. Primitive battery and engine technology doomed early efforts. After China liberalized its economy in the 1980s, a handful of entrepreneurs tried to revive e-bikes just as city planners were casting a worried eye on the explosive growth of exhaust-spewing mopeds and scooters. By the 1990s, cities were starting to ban motor scooters, creating an opening for electric bicycles. Electric bikes had government backing: inclusion as one of 10 key scientific-development priority projects in the Ninth Five-Year Plan. They had the personal endorsement of former Premier Li Peng, according to an academic paper on the history of e-bikes in China by Jonathan Weinert, Ma Chaktan and Chris Cherry.

  中国的电动自行车产业可以追溯至上世纪60年代的计划经济时代。粗糙的电池和引擎技术导致了最初的努力以失败收场。在上世纪80年代中国经济开放之后,一些企业家努力让电动自行车产业实现复苏,正值城市规划者对高污染的机动脚踏车和轻便摩托车的爆炸性增长感到了担忧。到了上世纪90年代,中国城市开始限制摩托车,为电动自行车的登场创造了条件。这一行业的发展曾经得到政府扶持:在中国的“九五”计划期间,电动自行车曾经在十大优先发展的关键科学项目中占有一席之地。由威纳特(Jonathan Weinert)、马泽丹(Ma Chaktan)和查瑞(Chris Cherry)联合撰写的、讲述中国电动自行车发展历史的论文透露,中国前总理李鹏还对该行业的发展表示了个人的支持。

  By 1998, regulators realized they had to limit the speed and size of e-bikes, too. The rules were loosely enforced and left a loophole. If it's got a pedal, it's a bicycle. The original standards put the maximum speed of an electric bike at 20 kilometers per hour (a little more than 12 mph). But e-bikes' power soon outpaced that. Some are capable of 25 mph or more.


  The market grew slowly at first. That changed after China was hit by severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, in 2003. National e-bike sales jumped from 1.5 million in 2002 to 4 million in 2003 as commuters sought an alternative to crowded public transport, where germs spread quickly.


  Electric-bike fatalities rose, too. In 2003, 87 people were killed in e-bike accidents. A year later, 589 died.


  The deaths led to a backlash. Beijing and Fuzhou banned electric bikes in 2002. Beijing lifted its ban in 2006.
