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  Q: As a religious architecture, what specific part did you pay most of your attention to when doing the design? What was you goal when you were thinking about building such a cathedral (Cathedral of Christ the Light/the Oakland Cathedral)?


   A: My first concern about the Cathedral was how to make a place of cultural authenticity1. For me this meant respecting the fact that we are building in the 21st century on the Pacific Rim in a city that is one of the most multi-cultural places on earth. I thought it was important to separate the idea of sacred space from the familiar forms that we often associate with religious buildings of other eras — the great basilica2 form cathedrals of 15th and 16th century Europe, for example — and fundamentally examine the meaning of spiritual space in our time.

  答:我首先考虑的是如何建造一座能体现文化真实性的建筑。对我来说,这就意味着我要尊重这样一个事实:我们是在21 世纪太平洋沿岸地区一个最具多元文化的城市建造一座教堂。我认为重要的是要将我们对宗教建筑的概念同我们所熟悉并时常联想到的其他时代的宗教建筑形态区分开——比如说15世纪和16世纪欧洲宏伟的长方形廊柱大厅式教堂——并从根本上追索我们这个时代精神空间的内涵。

  A: The great value of cities is the cultural richness they provide. I thought this building should be physically and symbolically connected with the city as a powerful social and cultural resource for Oakland. At the same time the Cathedral itself and its grounds should provide a place of respite3 from our unrelenting4 secular5 world. The Cathedral’s gardens and dependencies6 are very open and connected to the city as an extension of Oakland’s Cartesian urban grid. The Cathedral itself is turned slightly from this grid in alignment with the long axis of Lake Merritt. In doing so, the Cathedral is symbolically connected to nature in contrast to the gardens and dependencies. The Cathedral’s modern aesthetics spring not from its relationship to the city but rather from its authentic relationship with our contemporary moment in time — the 21st century.
