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  Q: Except the appearance, where can we find other innovative elements at the Cathedral you think that our readers cannot miss? How could you combine the modern style with the spirituality of a cathedral?


  A: The most important quality of the Cathedral’s architecture is its relationship to light. The building itself is luminous through the use of curving exterior veils of translucent7, transparent and opaque glass. Passing through clear glass margins, light strikes the interior surface of these veils causing them to glow with natural light during the day and light from the sanctuary8 at night. On the exterior, this creates the constantly changing image of ephemeral9 luminosity10 rather than the ancient perception of architecture as shade, shadow and texture.


   Light can be considered the physical manifestation of God’s presence, in fact biblical11 stories state that light was God’s first creation. I wanted this Cathedral to strip away the received iconography12 that has been layered upon religious architecture over the centuries and return to the earliest principles of Christianity. The spare rigor of modern architecture was the best way to get there. (To be continued)


  1. authenticity n. 真实性,可靠性

   2. basilica n. 长方形廊柱大厅(两边各有一排廊柱,一端呈半圆形,古罗马时用作审判或集会场所);长方形廊柱大厅式基督教堂

  3. respite n. 暂息(时间),喘息(时间),(痛苦等的)暂时缓解

  4. unrelenting a. 冷酷无情的,不怜悯的;严厉的

  5. secular a. 世俗的,尘世的,现世的

  6. dependency n. 附属建筑物,外屋

  7. translucent a. 半透明的

  8. sanctuary n. 圣所(指教堂、寺院等)

   9. ephemeral a. 极短的,短暂的

  10. luminosity n. 发光,发亮,光辉

  11. biblical a.《圣经》的,有关《圣经》的

  12. iconography n.(尤指关于某一宗教题材或传说的)传统性形象