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  4) Compliments. Always pay compliments when they are due and deserved. When you do that you lift up their spirits and it speaks well about you. Just be careful of not overdoing it or your words and honesty will be questioned and judged. When someone pays you a compliment, a simple “Thank You” will do wonders for you.

   4) 适时赞美。在值得赞美和该赞美的时候,不要吝啬你的赞美之词,当你出口称赞的时候势必会让人振奋,同时也为你树立了良好的形象。不过要注意不要过于夸张,否则你的言语和诚信会遭到质疑和指责。当别人赞美你的时候, 一句简单的“谢谢”会产生让你意想不到的效果。

  5) Disagreements. Choose your battles carefully. It is important that you defend your position as strong as you can. State your case and debate, but also be aware of the reaction of others. If you see they are getting resentful or annoyed, bring the conversation to an end. This way you will avoid it turning personal. Name calling weakens your arguments. Disagreements during meetings will happen, so the best way to go is to keep it as a business issue and document the outcome: This way a compromise of everyone involved will be clear.

   5) 求同存异。谨慎地选择是否“开战”,尽可能坚定地捍卫你的立场是十分重要的。陈述你的理由,并且辩护,当然还要留意其他人对此的反应。如果你发现他们正变得不满和厌烦,那么就让这次交谈到此为止吧。这种办法会避免其演变成 “私人恩怨”,而谩骂会削弱你的论证。会议上的分歧时有发生,所以最好的处理方式就是公事公办,并将会议的结果记录下来:通过这样的方式,每个人都退让一步而得到的折中方案就清晰可见了。

  6) Gossip. Gossip at the workplace happens all the time and it is inevitable. Keep your private life in private. Answering personal information, even if it sounds innocent, can set you up for gossip. If you are the object of gossip, find the source and confront this person in private, not with anger, but with concern, kindness and firmness. If you like hearing gossip, you are participating and you are also to blame for the harm this gossip does to a person. If you are asked to participate in gossip, refuse in a tactful and firm manner.

   6) 警惕流言。在工作环境中,流言蜚语很常见却又无法避免。不要将你的私生活公之于众。透露出你的私人信息——纵使这听起来无可厚非——足以把你卷入绯闻的漩涡之中。如果你是绯闻主角,找出流言的散播者,私下里和他交谈——不要带着愤怒,而是以一颗关怀、友善和坚定的心和他谈谈。如果你喜欢听流言蜚语,而且你正在参与其中,那么你也同样应当为这种言语对他人造成的伤害而受到责备。如果你被邀请参与到“八卦会”之中,你应该委婉、坚定地回绝。

  We spend 8 hours of our day in our workplace. It is important to keep a respectful work environment where each person can do their best professionally. Respect and politeness go a long way in any organization.

  我们每天要在工作场所待8 个小时,保持一个彼此尊重的工作环境很重要,这样才能让每个人都有最佳的工作表现。尊重和礼貌会让你在任何一个企业组织中走得更远。