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  Frank Gastner has a similar ideal: "VP in charge of destroying inane policies." Over the years, he's had to hassle with the simplest of design flaws that would cost virtually nothing to fix were it not for the bureaucracies that entrenched them. So, the retired manufacturer's representative says he would address product and process problems with the attitude, "It's not right; let's fix it now without a committee meeting."

  Frank Gastner的想法也类似:"副总裁负责消灭愚蠢的政策。"常年以来,他和那些最简单的设计缺陷做斗争,如果不是因为官僚作风,修补这些缺陷不花什么钱。因此这位曾经的制造商代表说,他会将产品、流程和态度联系在一起:"这不对。我们现在就纠正它,不需要开什么委员会"。

  Monique Huston actually has her dream job -- and many tell her it's theirs, too. She's general manager of a pub in Omaha, the Dundee Dell, which boasts 650 single-malt scotches on its menu. She visits bars, country clubs, people's homes and Scotland for whiskey tastings. "I stumbled on my passion in life," she says.

  Monique Huston拥有一份理想的工作,而且许多人告诉她这工作也是他们所梦想的。她是奥马哈市一家酒馆的总经理。这家名为Dundee Dell的酒馆供应650种单麦芽苏格兰威士忌。为了推销威士忌,她走访了酒吧、乡村俱乐部、民宅。她说:"我这个激情是偶然发现的。"

  Still, some nights she doesn't feel like drinking -- or smiling. "Your face hurts," she complains. And when you have your dream job you wonder what in the world you'll do next.
