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猿猴不是人类祖先? 达尔文遭质疑


  The Noah's Ark Zoo Farm in the UK has a presentation about 30 reasons why man is not descended from apes. Given the establishment believes in creationism, that presentation is no surprise. But that school children would attend the place has some educators alarmed. Noah's Ark Zoo Farm, near Bristol, was recently awarded a "quality badge" by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom。


  The council's deputy chief executive defended the decision, the Guardian reports: "An important aim of learning outside the classroom is allowing children and young people access to education that challenges assumptions and allows them to experience a range of viewpoints."


资料图 猿猴不是人类祖先? 达尔文遭质疑

  That's a tactic known as "teaching the controversy" - a controversy scientists say does not exist. Evolution is a well-founded theory - among the most solid and important theories in all of science, and among scientists there simply is no controversy。


  Among the teachings of Noah's Ark Zoo Farm is that scientists use "faith" to explain Darwinian evolution. That's just bogus. Scientists use evidence, from the fossil record, from DNA comparisons, and from studies in a host of different fields to conclude that evolution is at work and that humans and apes share common ancestry. The disingenuous materials suggest that gaps in the fossil record require leaps of faith to tie Darwinian evolution together。


  The farm also promotes a view that Earth is not 4.5 billion years old, as science says, while keeping arms-length from the ludicrous belief of the most staunch creationists that Earth is just a few thousand years old and humans co-existed with dinosaurs. "We believe the earth is much older than 6,000 years but much younger than 4.5 billion years," the farm's web site states。
