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  According to the Dailytelegraph.com.au on February 9, a radio competition, in which the winner will fly to the Ukraine and be given the chance to pick a bride from an agency, sparked outrage in New Zealand.


  The winner of the contest - launched by MediaWork's station The Rock, which is broadcast nationwide - will also get 12 nights' accommodation and $NZ2000 ($1,521) spending money. The prize does not include travel for the Ukraine woman to come to New Zealand.


  "It is unusual and somewhat disturbing that a commercial entity would commercialize what should be one of the most meaningful human relationships and actually offer it as a prize for a radio show," said the social activist Sue Bradford.

  社会活动家苏 布拉德福特说表示:“该节目将最重要的婚姻关系商业化,居然把婚姻当成比赛奖品送给获胜者,非常令人反感”。

  The promotion began on Monday and ends on February 28, with five finalists to be subjected to character assessment from friends and family, and psychometric testing and suitability for marriage testing by a psychologist appointed by MediaWorks.


  The Rock program director, Brad King said the competition was "a bit of a laugh". "At the end of the day, it's up to both people if they decide to get married and return to New Zealand. We're not actually marrying anyone or bringing women back to New Zealand," he added.

  “岩石”节目主管布拉德 金说:“这次比赛很有意思。比赛最后一天,获胜者是否愿意与他挑选的新娘结婚甚至返回新西兰,要看他们个人的决定。实际上,我们不会安排任何人结婚,或者带任何女性回到新西兰。”