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In winter, we exercise less due to the cold weather which slows down metabolism. Additionally, we like to eat greasy and spicy food to keep our bodies warm. This kind of food is highest fat and highest calories and makes us feel thirsty. When we drink a lot of water without exercising, it is easy to have a edema that is why we can easily put on weight. Plus is we wear thick clothes covering our bodies, we lower our standard for body shape. Luckily, it is not too late to get healthy. 

1. Eat less meat and more vegetables. If you are not a vegetarian, choose more fish and chicken, rather than red meat. Meanwhile drink more yoghourt for adjusting.

2. Eat fruit or drink some soup before eating supper then even when you eat just the half amount of the food you usually do, you feel full and satisfied. But this method only applied to those who go to sleep early. If you stay up late, you will feel hungry at midnight and then eat more. Never do that. And never eat anything two hours before bed time.
吃水果或喝汤能使饭量减半。这个方法比较适合早睡的人。如果你经常熬夜的话,这样做   会在半夜感觉到很饿,反倒会吃更多,请不要尝试。记住:睡觉前的两个小时之内千万别吃任何食物。

3. Sometimes we want to continue eating even we are already full this is because our nervous centers still think that we need to eat. Two essential oil can stop it which are Patchouli and frankincense. When smell them, you will feel that you’re full. Now there are so-called essential oil necklaces dependent on which is a small glass of bottle. Put a few drops of each in the bottle by the ratio of 1 to 1 and wear the necklace when you eat.