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  It turns out women who say they are just too tired for sex may not be making excuses after all.


  According to a Harvard study, they run on a different biological sleep clock to men - and need to go to bed earlier because of it.


  According to the study, for many women their natural instinct is to go to bed early - so sex can be the last thing on their minds in the evening.


  It's based on results produced by 157 people who spent eight weeks in a windowless sleep lab in Boston. They were isolated from all cues about the time in the outside world, allowing their body clocks to go back to natural circadian rhythms.


  Jeanne Duffy, one of the study's authors, told NPR: 'What we found was that the cycle length of the biological clock in women was six minutes faster on average than it was in men, making them much more likely to be early birds rather than night owls.'

  珍妮 达芙是这项研究的发起人之一,她在接受美国国家公共电台采访时说:“试验中我们发现女性的生物钟平均要比男性的快6分钟,所以她们总是早睡早起。”

  That six-minute variation can be further amplified by factors such as when light first hits the eye.
