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7. Never whine about joblessness.
7. 不要因失业而发牢骚。

It's OK to complain to close confidants; although wallowing may wear out even the best listeners. Fellow party guests, however, don't fit this category.

8. Look for opportunities to network.
8. 网上寻找机会。

Why not look at social gatherings as chances to mingle with potential colleagues and expand your circle of influence? That new acquaintance across the picnic table or banquet booth may be able to point you in a helpful direction for your ongoing job search.

Savvy job hunters print and carry business cards in a pocket or purse, just in case an appropriate opportunity arises. In a pinch, you can write down names, along with email addresses or phone numbers, after significant social conversations.

It is considered somewhat tacky, however, to pass out resumes at a party. Following up later is a much smarter strategy, as it allows you an additional contact with influential individuals.

9. Turn the tables on the inquirer.
9. 对询问者进行反攻

Most people enjoy talking about themselves. Many relish revealing their own professional achievements and backgrounds. Ask a few open-ended questions, and you may be surprised to find folks are willing to share experience and career connections.