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Ever call in sick because you physically don’t think you can make it to the office? That burned out feeling — so humorously portrayed in movies like Office Space — is no joke. In fact, workplace stress can lead to serious health issues, like obesity and cardiovascular disease.  But preventing burnout, and treating it early, can help you stay both healthy and productive.

Fried: Why You Burn Out and How to Revive, a new book by psychologist Joan Borysenko, Ph.D, addresses this important issue. She dealt with her own burnout as a busy mom and Harvard Medical School instructor, when she was working with AIDS patients for 80 hours a week while also tending to her own small children.
心理学家Joan Borysenko哲学博士在其新书《Fried: Why You Burn Out and How to Revive》中论述这一重要问题。她作为一名忙碌的母亲和哈佛医学院讲师,一周跟艾滋病患者共事80小时并照顾自己年幼的孩子时,自己应对这种精疲力竭。

Borysenko’s first tip? Know that being fried is both natural and progressive: “It starts with sincere commitment to work that leads to overwork. Then self-care goes down the drain, your priorities shift away from family and friends to more work, you lose empathy for clients and co-workers, and you feel emotionally overwhelmed, physical health declines, and the quality of your work plummets.” Women should be particularly alert for it, since we usually take on the majority of the “second shift” at home: “In spite of all the progress we’ve made in gender equality, the average working mother does two hours a day more housework than her mate,” notes Borysenko.

Here are Borysenko’s 4 best ways to beat burnout:

1. Burnout vs. Depression: Know the Difference
1. 精疲力竭vs. 沮丧:了解两者的不同

Depression and burnout can look the same — exhaustion, loss of interest and lowered productivity — but they’re not the same. “Burnout is work-related while depression affects your entire life,” says Borysenko. “If you’re burned out and you get a long enough vacation, you revive, whereas depressed people do not.”

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