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   Operating a successful business is supposed to be a ticket to the good life -- but sometimes it comes at a cost. Stephen Adele was too busy building his $20 million Golden, Colo., nutritional supplements company, iSatori, to spend much time with his wife and three children.
   事业成功理应是通向美好生活的入场券——但有时,这是需要付出代价的。史蒂芬.阿黛勒斥资2,000万美元,在美国科罗拉多州古登市成立了一家名为iSatori 的营养品公司。他一度因为太专注于公司经营,未能给妻子和三个孩子足够的时间。

    "I would try to compensate by buying her and my family things," he recalls. The cars and jewelry didn't work, of course, and the couple just got divorced. Adele is now, finally, spending more time with his three daughters. Here's a little advice that might help you avoid matrimonial discord.