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威廉夫妇与民同乐 出席牛仔节看斗牛

For the A St. James's Palace spokesman confirmed that Prince William was wearing the same shirt at the parade as he had done the night before. A source joked: 'He's a bloke'. The Duke and Duchess had the honour of pressing the button to launch the legendary Calgary Stampede.She roared with laughter as it sparked fireworks, rockets and brightly coloured ticker tape to fly into the air. The parade is a two-hour celebration through the streets of the city featuring marching bands, majorettes, floats , cowgirls - and lots of horses. Sitting in their VIP seats surrounded by bales of hay, the couple looked to be thoroughly enjoying the spectacle. The royals are due to leave Calgary and fly to Los Angeles this evening. On their arrival, they will be the guests of honour at a Consular-General Reception held by UK Trade and Investment at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

  针对威廉访问不换衣服的事情,有关王室发言人只用了一句话来回应媒体的质疑:“威廉还是个小子!”在观赏完牛仔节活动后,威廉王子及凯特立刻换回传统服装。威廉王子换上他最习惯的蓝色西装及领带。凯特则再一次别上向英国女王借来的枫叶胸针。英国女王伊丽莎白二世还是公主时,于1951年首次访问加拿大,便戴着这只胸针。去年女王访加时,又戴着同一胸针。在加拿大访问的最后一天,凯特只戴着Catherine Walker出品的珠宝,镶在红色缎子及毛织外套上。