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Jeff Bezos never stops innovating. Bezos launched Amazon as an online bookstore in 1994, then turned it into a massive virtual mall open to other vendors' wares. Now he's done the same with Amazon's cloud computing services, which let customers rent data storage and computing power from Amazon. Then there's the Kindle, which has helped redefine the very concept of the book. Though the company hasn't disclosed the number of Kindle users, its eBook selection has grown tenfold to 600,000. And while the iPad is getting all the eReader love these days, Bezos got there first, and virtually every iPad review compares Steve Jobs' tablet to Bezos' device.
Jeff Bezos从来都不停止创新。1994年Bezos正式将亚马逊上线并且主要负责线上书籍的销售,之后将这个大型的虚拟超市转变成了一个销售各种商品的地方。现在他又对亚马逊的云服务故技重施,这让消费者可以向亚马逊租赁数据存储空间和运算能力。之后出现了Kindle,这个产品重新定义了图书。虽然公司并没有具体透露Kindle有多少用户,但是电子书的已经增长了10倍,达到了60万用户。虽然说今天Ipad让很多用户爱不释手,但是这个行业的先驱是Bezos,事实上到今天人们也把乔布斯麾下的平板电脑和Bezos手下的设备相互比较。